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他这辈子都得戴绿帽子吗?Must he be a cuckold for the rest of his life?

你就是那个给我戴绿帽子的助手?Were you the clerk that is to make me cuckold ?

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你就是让我戴绿帽子的文员?Were you the clerk that is to make me a cuckold?

亚瑟王本人被描绘成一个被人戴绿帽子的软弱之人。Arthur himself has been portrayed as a weak cuckold.

这样,你可以放心地去找了,我也就不用戴绿帽子了!In this way, you can safely go, and I also do not have a son of a cuckold !

你也不管管你媳妇,就不怕戴绿帽子?You should keep your wife under control, aren't you afraid of being cuckolded ?

但是既然他没有吭气,说明他看见前面的两人至少有一个戴绿帽子。But. since he didn't answer. he must have seen at least One green hat ahead of him.

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刚一上课,老师告诉他,在中国戴绿帽子表示妻子有外遇。Just one class, the teacher told him that the child be a cuckold in China, said his wife was having an affair.

但我们内心深处拒绝承认这一事实,就像戴绿帽子的丈夫,明知真相令人悲哀,却竭尽全力装着什么都不知道。But we were deep in denial , like a cuckolded partner who knows the sorry truth but tries their best to ignore it.

而且,虽然当前世界吃里爬外和戴绿帽子事件层出不穷,还是丈夫们在担任着大多数孩子的父亲角色。And, despite all the adultery and cuckoldry that goes on in the world, it is the husband who fathers most of the children.

男人的名誉是最为珍贵的,戴绿帽子比勾引人更难堪,法律难道对此不了解吗?Did the Law not know that a man's name was to him the apple of his eye, that it was far harder to be regarded as cuckold than as seducer?

我也不知道为什么,可你的“身价”会马上飙升至和被戴绿帽子的女星相同,感谢名人的魔力吧。I can’t explain how this happens, but for some reason, thanks to the magic of celebrity, you will instantly be considered as famous as the woman you cuckolded.