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为贫民举行了义卖。A bazaar was held for the poor.

开展感恩节糕饼义卖慈善活动。Hold a Thanksgiving charity bake sale.

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昨天我应邀去了一个义卖会。I was invited to a bring-and-buy sale yesterday.

琳达.罗迪斯在糕饼义卖会中买下软糖。Linda Rhoades bought the fudge during a bake sale.

我们教堂举办了一次义卖会为慈善事业筹款。Our church held a fair to raise money for charity.

游园义卖会定于星期日举行,风雨无阻。The fete will take place on Sunday, rain or shine.

要是不下雨,义卖会就照常进行。The fete will go ahead provided the rain keeps off.

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我们把一些旧衣物捆起来准备义卖。We bundled up some old clothes for the jumble sale.

他们翻找出了一些旧衣服去做义卖。They rummaged out some old clothes for the jumble sale.

嘿嘿,其实这是咱学校的“六一”义卖活动!Hey, this is our school 's " six one " charity activities!

他们决定举办一次烘烤食品义卖进行募捐。They decided to take up a collection and hold a bake sale.

贝蒂和鲍勃在大型的义卖市场买了蓝汽球回来。Betty and Bob brought back blue balloons from the big bazaar.

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上周我们学校开了个大型义卖会,为一个慈善机构筹款。Last week, our school had a big fair in order to for a charity.

女同学以工作——筹办义卖会庆祝妇女节。Coeds at the college hold a charity sale in celebration of Women's Day.

教堂正在筹划一次义卖,为无家可归的孩子筹款。The church is getting up a sale to collect money for the homeless children.

所有的义卖物品照片被重新编号,并且全部转移到了我的博客相册里面。All the stuff for sale of work is re-numbered and transferred to my photo album.

礼物义卖会将在加拿大国际学校举办。This year The Gift Bazaar 2011 will be held at the Canadian International School, Beijing.

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一天,在一次举行义卖的舞会上,郝思嘉和风度翩翩的商人白瑞德相识。One day, during a charity ball held, the Scarlett and Rhett Butler met handsome businessman.

他们当中很多人都捐了自己的作品到义卖会,要为阿富汗的孩童募款。Many had donated their works for a benefit exhibit to raise money for children in Afghanistan.

我指出这本书保存状况颇好,纳什是个有趣的诗人,而且义卖是为了做好事。I pointed out that the book was in good condition. Nash was a fun poet, and it was for a good cause.