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让我们尽释前嫌吧。Let's put all these behind us.

快乐的途径是不计前嫌,主动和好。The way to be happy is to let go, and reach out.

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曲筱绡也一弃前嫌,与胜美拥抱。QuXiao gauze also abandon past, and wins the hug.

我的意见是最好不计前嫌的好。My advice is that It's best to forgive and forget.

我的意见是最好不记前嫌。My advice is that it's best to forgive and forget.

六个月以来我们一直等待他们能够冰释前嫌。We've waited six months for him to remedy the breach.

他还希望的是他们能够不计前嫌宽恕他的过错。He hoped, despite the evidence, that they had forgiven him.

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布什总统与约翰·迈凯恩尽释前嫌。President Bush and John McCain have put the past behind them.

对于我所犯下的错误,我深表遗憾,希望你不记前嫌。I trust you will overlook my mistake, which I terribly regret.

俺们还有什么理由不摈充前嫌、理解而支持他们呢?We have no reason not with filling up, understand and support them?

叶霜不计前嫌,将其接入家中照顾。Xie Shuang not plan past grudge, in receiving its the home, take care of.

他们的和好是否已经达到如此前嫌尽释的程度,以至她可以不再有所顾忌?Had the reconciliation been so complete that she could act as she pleased?

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在卡丁的再三解释下,二入终于冰释前嫌,和好如初。In the KaDing under repeated explanations, two into finally animosity, reconciliation. Mrs.

历史长河里,因为有了齐桓公的不计前嫌,才有了齐国的霸主地位。The long process of history, because of the Lord's lucky that it enjoyed Qi hegemonic position.

在此关头,看起来奥巴马和国会正在摈弃前嫌,蓄势共进。At this juncture, Obama and Congress seem poised to move forward together rather than butt heads.

今天,在分开2年后,我和我的前妻冰释前嫌,共进晚餐。Today, after 2 years of separation, my ex-wife and I resolved our differences and met for dinner.

全球通用的、给每对夫妇的良方“一定要在睡前冰释前嫌”对任何人都适用。The advice given to every couple around the world "never go to bed angry" is applicable to everyone.

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六个月以来我们一直等待他们能够冰释前嫌。美国汽车巡回赛知到我们为什么要解除协约。现在他们高兴了。We've waited six months for him to remedy the breach. He knows full well why we've cancelled. He's happy.

徐二海送来了按摩椅,张母开心,张彩玉和徐二海冰释前嫌,和好了。Two sea brought the massage chair, xu zhang mother happy, Zhang Caiyu and two sea of animosity, xu made up.

见了面,马仁忠向丹丝兰抱歉,丹丝兰也供认本人有错误,两人冰释前嫌,握手言和。MaRenZhong met to DanSi orchid sorry, DanSi orchid also confessed I have mistakes, they shake hands animosity,.