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需要八进制插座。Requires octal socket.

是两脚插头的插座吗?Is it a two-pin socket?

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这是一个插座在箱子!It's a jack-in the -box!

这个插座是好的吗?Is this outlet all right?

单声道线路输出,唱机插座。Mono Line-out, phono socket.

发布插座属性。Publish the socket attributes.

我要把你的破插座撕个稀巴烂!I'll rip your sockets to shreds!

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噢!那个插座又电到我了。Oow! That outlet shocked me again.

5个针片,信号插座用。TIDP 5 pin, female DIN phono plug.

安装灯泡和插座于灯外壳上。I screwed the bulb into the socket.

后方唱机插座输入唱机。Rear phono socket inputs for Phono.

发送一个发布插座的事件。Send and event for the published socket.

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到现在,那个插座都还是黑黑的。Up to now, that sockets were still dark.

把这个接到插座上,要当心。Connect this to the socket but be careful.

黄铜镀金,镀银上镀铑,厚螺母,信号插座。Silver plate. Thick Brass nut, Gold plate.

这个插座只能插入两脚插头。This socket only accepts a two-pronged plug.

他们议决车库插座取电。They used electricity from a plug in the garage.

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黄铜镀金,镀银上镀铑,厚螺母,信号插座。Rhodium over silver plate. Brass nut, Gold plate.

腰带的战士贤士现在有一个插座的奖金。Girdle of the Warrior Magi now has a socket bonus.

重新将插头插入电源插座并开启本产品。Reput the plug in the socket and open the machine.