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战争使许多家庭妻离子散。The war separated many families.

战争期间,很多家庭妻离子散。Many families got separated during the war.

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搞不准还妻离子散、飞来横祸。Also separated from their families are not allowed to engage in, mishaps.

虽然许多家庭妻离子散了,但是人们仍然互相保持联系。Although many families became separated, people still kept in touch with each other.

你回去至少可以保证少一些灵魂遭到残害,少一些家庭妻离子散。By returning, you may ensure that fewer souls are maimed, fewer families are torn apart.

她的新作颂扬了成千上万“被时代蹂躏、羞辱和伤害”的人,讲述了因为内战,无数家庭妻离子散的故事。Her new book is a tribute to the tens of millions of people “who were trampled on, humiliated and hurt by the era.”

余震仍在继续,雪也落下来,气温越来越低,数千妻离子散的人正在努力挣扎求生。The aftershocks go on, there is snow and it is getting colder and the thousands cut off have a daily battle just to live.

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由于患者长年吸毒,患者早已妻离子散,在其亲人的帮助下,才得以寻求治疗。As a result of years of drug abuse patients, the patient is already broken, in his family's help, was able to seek treatment.

一九九三年时,因为经济衰退,许多人丢了饭碗、妻离子散,凯蒂·史提尔就是其中一人。The year was 1993 and due to the recession people were losing their jobs and their homes. Katy Stiles was one of these people.

这段报纸传奇的开篇即是年迈的驻巴黎记者江郎才尽、妻离子散。The opening picture is of the paper’s elderly Paris correspondent, whose skills as a hack have deserted him after a lifetime of dissolution.

他们大量屠杀我们的祖先,驱赶了他们,使印第安人流离失所,妻离子散,家破人亡。Their mass killings of our ancestors, expelled them, and ensured that the Indians were displaced, separated from their families, the destruction.

团团圆圆﹑共享天伦是多么温馨的画面,妻离子散﹑痛失亲人是多么痛苦的体验。Family reunion and sharing our natural bonds are such warm tableaus, while family separation and the loss of family members are such painful experiences.

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但淑萍无法谅解,说长文导致岛上一百多个家庭妻离子散,长文惊诧自己为何会背上这个罪名。But shu ping not understanding and separated island said long resulted in more than one hundred families, long surprise yourself why would back the charges.

意气用事,轻则浪费几年的生命,甚至丢掉半辈子的积蓄,妻离子散,要想得志,必谋定而后动。If you go without a plan, you may come back empty-handed with few years of your life wasted. Worse, you may lose your life savings and end up a broken family. To succeed there, have a plan here first.