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指定要从子项中删除的指名的值。Specifies the named value to be deleted from the subkey.

当老师指名约瑟回等时,他答不出来。Jose didn't know the answer when the teacher called on him.

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我要你当我孩子的妈,我孩子指名要你喔!I want you to be the mother of my children, my child named you!

大都会警方说,这次威胁没指名具体地点或时间。The Metropolitan Police said the threat was not specific regarding location or time.

亚伯拉罕·林肯总统指名让34岁的乔治·麦克莱伦将军完成此项任务。President Abraham Lincoln named General George McClellan to do this. McClellan was 34 years old.

当你指名了装订夹,你就知道这笔钱是用来做什么,这样你就把钱花在刀刃上了。When you name the bucket, you know what that money is for, and you won't use it for anything else.

因此,尽管他被指名为威尔士国王,他的地位仍然处于身为英格兰国王的父亲之下。So although he was nominally king of Wales he still played second fiddle to his dad the King of England.

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国际指名光学组件和镜片,同时采用同光路反射保护功能。World famous pneumatic parts and optical lens, laser path reflection control function as well are adopted.

政府在九月发布了一个包括57名私人业者的名单,意在用指名和示众的方式来达到效果。In September, the government published a list of 57 private operators as part of a name and shame campaign.

足球走地网他会指名在屋子各处的记者让他们提出问题,赌球博彩并且总能迅速地、毫不迟疑地做出回答。He'd call on people around the room, and always think on his feet to answer their questions without hesitating.

有一次,社会上一伙人敲诈我班上一个学生未得逞,他们就到学校里指名要打他。Once, the community and his gang extortion class a student I did not succeed, they will fight to the schools he named.

指定您在检索它的数据值的指名值。指定一个空字符串来得到默认指名值。Specifies the named value whose data value you are retrieving. Specify an empty string to get the default named value.

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撒丁岛的俱乐部将得到24岁的中卫埃利亚莱加蒂,这是新任教练皮耶保罗比索利指名要求的一位球员。The Sardinian club could obtain 24 year old center back Elia Legati, expressely required by new coach Pierpaolo Bisoli.

曾念安指名询问韩金栓这件事该怎么处理,韩金栓主张和谈,以静制动。Ceng Nianan named ask Han Jinshuan how to deal with this matter, Han Jinshuan advocated peace talks, with static braking.

如果店里刚好没有顾客指名购买的东西,身为荷兰后裔的祖父——约翰·尼尔曼就会赶紧从后门跑到附近把东西快快买来交到顾客手中。If a customer wanted an item that wasn't on hand, John Neeleman, the son of Dutch immigrants, would run out himself and buy it.

如果此特性是一张牌的名称,则仅有在此保护异能指名此特性为名称时,才将其视作牌名来处理。If the quality happens to be a card name, it is treated as such only if the protection ability specifies that the quality is a name.

实验1请被试比较歧义句中切分出来的所指名词与非所指名词的重读程度。In experiment 1, the subjects were asked to determine the more stressed word between the demonstrative noun and the non-demonstrative noun.

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峨眉髭蟾和东南亚拟髭蟾指名亚种精子的形态和超微结构存在明显的差异。The ultrastructure and morphology of spermatozoa of Leptobrachium aff. hasselti and Vibrissaphora boringii notably differs from each other.

在实验室饲养条件下,对东方田鼠指名亚种繁殖特性和幼仔生长发育进行了初步观察。Preliminary studies on the reproduction and postnatal growth of Microtus fortis fortis were carried out under laboratory feeding conditions.

似乎,希赛利糕饼店由早到晚挤满了蜂拥而至的男士。每个人都点了一大堆糕点,并指名要蕾蒂当该桌的服务生。Cesari's, it seemed, was packed with gentlemen from morning to night, each one buying quantities of cakes and demanding to be served by Lettie.