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他大部分时间都在痴想着海伦。He spends most of his time mooning over Helen.

忘记昨天,也不痴想明天。Forget yesterday and aren't crazy for tomorrow.

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她一连好几个小时痴想她喜欢的那个男演员。She spent hours mooning over her favourite actor.

我发现现在自己都有些痴想了。I now find myself in some of the wishful thinking.

忘记昨天,也不痴想明天。Fogetting yesterday neither will I think of tomorrow.

忘记昨天,也不要痴想明天。Forgetting yesterday neither will I think of tomorrow.

“没有的事,真是痴想,”她微笑道,似乎在责备自己。How silly. Of course it could never happen! " She scolded herself with a smile ."

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这就是为什么这个习语是用来描述那些不切实际的想法,比如说如果他们是梦想家或痴想家。That is why this idiom is used to describe ideas that are not realistic, as if they are dreams or fantasies.

我仍然天真地痴想着与他一起的时光,那未曾破坏的瞬间如上天的礼物,像未遭践踏的冬雪,胜过人间所有美景。I still think of my time with him fondly because the unspoiled moment was a gift with all the beauty of un-trampled snow.

隔天,我忍不住又在那个时间来到了那个栅篱边上,我是否是在痴想那个女孩能够再次出现?The next day, I cannot help myself-I am drawn at the same time to that spot near the fence. Am I crazy for hoping she will come again?

我目送他呼啸而去,满怀敬意,痴想著,自己怕是到驴年马月,都没有这麽“手熟”的一天。I watched him roar away, with great respect, silly thought, his fear is to have horses donkey years on, are not so "hand cooked" one day.

他很快补充说要解释物理学家过去的那些言论,手边正有一个再合适不过的词,那就是沉溺于“一厢情愿的痴想”。He quickly added that construing the physicist's past proclamations as anything more than a handy metaphor was indulging in "wishful thinking".