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看来你们在开新风。You seem to have seta new trend.

新风从房间的底部慢慢地充满整个房间。The "fresh air lake" fills the room slowly from the bottom.

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迎奥运,讲文明,树新风。Welcome Olympic, deliver civilization, build up new spirit.

如有无加湿、引进室外新风等功能。As for humidifying, introduce the outdoor air etc. Function.

文章对新风混风冷却机组控制系统进行了阐述。This paper introduced Xinfeng-Hunfeng cooler control system.

讲文明、树新风,构建和谐海南!Stress culture, establish new trends, and build a harmonious Hainan!

从我做起,迎接海外来宾,树上海新风。Start with me, welcome oversea guests and build Shanghai new manners.

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新风在春、秋、冬季是一种天然的冷源。The trade wind is a kind of natural cold source in spring, autumn and winter.

本文主要对夏热冬冷地区新风全年能耗进行了分析。Analyses the all-year energy consumption of the fresh air in hot and cold areas.

我有一个新风筝,它有粉红,兰色,绿色,红色,黄色和紫色!I've got a new kite, it's pink and blue, it's green red and yellow, and purple too.

2007年,闻森品牌中央新风系统正式入驻中国。In the year 2007, Central Fresh Air System , branded Venson entered China formally.

ZK系列组合式空调机组,BFP系列变风量机组、新风机组。ZK series of modular air-conditioning unit, BFP series VAV units, the new air unit.

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每一个中国公民都应该讲文明,树新风。Every Chinese citizen should be stressing civilization, and fostering new practices.

空调系统采用风机盘管加独立新风的空气-水系统。Fan coil unit and the independent fresh air system is the main choice in the design.

李剀说,通风系统更为精妙,采用的是“变风量”新风系统。" Li said that the ventilation system is more sophisticated, using the "VAV" system.

对变制冷剂流量空调系统的几种新风处理方法进行了分析探讨。This paper analyses and compares the air fresh methods in VRV air conditioning system.

闻森中央新风系统,主要解决整套房屋内部的通风和换气问题。Central Fresh-Air System branded Venson , mainly executes the entire housing ventilation.

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通过上述分析计算,认为这种改造的一个关键是对新风系统的改造。Through the analyses above, we think it is akey to develop a new fresh air handling unit.

结果表明,风机盘管加新风系统的能效比较高,建议在实际工程设计中应重视系统能效比的计算。Suggests that due attention should be paid to the system EER calculation in the project design.

空调机组、新风机组、排风机均无消声措施及噪声指标。There is no noise elimination measure and noise standards to AHU, air supply unit, exhaust fans.