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军功授地是美国土地制度中的一个重要问题。Military bounty land is an important issue in U. S. land system.

军功授地是美国土地制度中的一个重要问题。Military bounty land is an important issue in U. S. land system. U.

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仗着无人知晓的军功,小金刚刚被晋升为四星上将。Thanks to unknown military merits young Kim was just promoted to four-star general.

而且能获此最高爵位者多是军功显赫的统帅。But also those who received the highest title of nobility is more prominent commander of military merit.

此外,经由军功获得学衔及功名的品级也与士人原有的学衔呈正比关系。In addition, the awards received by the military achievement have corresponding with their original grade.

退伍军人们并未从军功授地中得到多少实惠,大多数土地落入土地投机者手里。Veterans, however, did not gain much benefit from military bounty land, because land speculators absorbed much.

作为少有的军功卓著的共和党人,麦凯恩将给民主党总统候选人带来一场硬仗。An unlikely standard-bearer for the Republican party, McCain will offer a stiff test for the Democratic nominee.

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通过分析可以看出,陆氏以政治起家,而凭借军功达到家族的顶峰。From this part we know that the Lus built up with politics, but depended on military exploit to achieve the summit.

一个男爵而已,这是我在多伦多要塞立下军功后的赏赐,没什么大不了的。A baron equitable, Jordan 3 Retro, this is I behind signing in the fortress of Torondo the soldier finishing of bestow, no huge deal.

商君把懒惰而贫穷及没有军功的贵族给予惩罚或剥夺其特权。The business monarch gives the privilege punishing or depriving whose with the nobleman who lazy but poor and does not have a military exploit.

由军功逐渐取代世袭身份,政治体制也由贵族制向官僚制转化。Gradually replaced by a military exploit hereditary identity, the political system is also from the aristocracy to the bureaucratic system transformation.

他们或被安置在辽东,被唐朝廷利用来镇抚亡国之民,或作为番将,凭军功辗转进入禁军系统。Some of them were arranged in Liaodong area to force and comfort the conquered people , or being vassals entered the imperial guards system relying on their military merits.

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改变陈氏家族命运的是陈霸先,他出身低微,靠建立军功不断地提升自己的地位,最终建立了陈朝。Changing Chen clan destiny is a Chen Baxian, his family background is very low , is advanced unceasingly depending on building a military exploit self position, has founded Chen Chao ultimately.