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又算得了什么的过失!And what faults!

我算得对吗Did I divide right?

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目前算得都对吧Is my math correct so far?

钱算得了什么?And what did the money matter?

算得上一个非常有能力的实验家。He was a brilliant experimentalist.

有朝一日,我总要和他把账算得相欠。I ll get upsides with him some day.

有朝一日,我总要和他把账算得互不相欠。I'll get upsides with him some day.

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人比起高山大石来,算得了什么?What are men to rocks and mountains?

可是对董贝父子公司来说,一个女儿算得了什么呢!But what was a girl to Dombey and Son!

就无耻造谣之本事而论,你真算得上天下第一。For barefaced lying you are really it.

这样你就算得上一个“出书”作家了。You will then be a “published” author!

这部珍本真算得上是一大发现。This rare book was really quite a find.

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泰式饮食算得上是世界上最辣的。Thai food is among the spiciest in the world.

汤姆长得很帅,他可真算得上是个“万人迷”。Tom is so handsome – he's a real heart-throb.

你并不懒惰,但却算得上是个游手好闲的人。You are not lazy, and still you are an idler.

五百吨在黄金世界算得上是个大数目。Five hundred tonnes is huge in the gold world.

他算得上世界上最雷人的老爹了。The world's most embarrassing father is no more.

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叫你的缴税咨询师把费用算得再精确些。Ask your tax advisor for a more accurate costing.

电子计算机算得既快又准确。Electronic computers work quickly and accurately.

很好,算得真快,48,电子伏。Good, quick math. All right, so 48 electron volts.