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新世界葡萄酒轻松占据了前几名位置,拉菲则“名落孙山”。The new world wines came comfortably top. Lafite finished close to last.

今年高考他又名落孙山了。This year he failed again in the entrance examination for college students.

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名落孙山的候选人回去工作,其他的则说战斗刚刚开始。Some defeat candidate go back to work and others say the fight have just begin.

后来人们用“名落孙山”来比喻考试没有考上或者选拔没有被录取。Later, people used this idiom to indicate failing in an examination or competition.

蒲松龄面对一次有一次的名落孙山,明知朝廷不会用他,却还欲去应试。Pu has once again fallen off the face, knowing that the court will not use him, and still want to to the test.

参军是萨达姆的梦想,当他在军校招生考试中名落孙山后,他便身心交瘁。Joining the military had been Saddam’s dream and when he wasn’t able to pass the entrance exam he was devastated.

她初次出马就顺利通过了律师考核,而与她一道应考的人中有三分之一却名落孙山。She had passed the bar examination on the first try, while a third of those who had taken it with her had failed.

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也许在你看来,动物世界里按“情商”论资排辈的话,鸡类可能将名落孙山。You might think chickens are way down the pecking order in the animal kingdom when it comes to emotional intelligence.

不难想象她在高考时名落孙山,并且只能主修她不喜欢的热能工程专业。It is not hard to imagine that she lost in the university entrance exam and majored in energy project that she dislikes.

2000年,我在自己第一次参加进入国会的竞选中名落孙山,连初选都没有通过。It was the year 2000, and I had just gotten my rear-end handed to me in my very first race for Congress. Didn't even make it past the primary.

我来投考的那一年,有一个山东老乡,已经报考了五次,次次名落孙山。They became dragon from carp. In a year when I came and took part in exams, one of old folks had applied for five times, but failed every time.

有很多优秀的学生,因种种原因使成绩下降,名落孙山。望引起各方面的关注,培养出更多、更好的人才。There are many excellent students, for various reasons to decline in performance, Mingluosunshan. Hope aroused concerns, train more and better talent.

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因佟美名落孙山,佟林拖着疲惫的身子返回家中,神色复杂不敢向佟美公布落选消息,担心佟美承受不了打击。For tong good pecking, Lin tung dragged tired body back home, look complex cant release to the tong mei lost message, worry about tong beauty cannot afford.

例如,按照墨菲说的,莫斯科曾欲在今年的杂志排名单上竞争一个位置,但是由于俄罗斯经济的衰退而名落孙山了。For example, Moscow was in contention for a spot on the magazine's list this year, but it dropped out of the running as the Russian economy soured, according to Murphy.