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新政有什么好?What is it about the New Deal?

我们需要一个“全球食品政策新政”。We need a New Deal for Global Food Policy.

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我们可以制定一个全球食品政策新政.We can have a New Deal on Global Food Policy.

但事实证明其他的新政措施却是历久弥新。But other New Deal measures proved long lasting.

不过,有些人正在谈论绿色新政。Some, however, are talking about a Green New Deal.

使得新政医生,被,赢得战争医生所取代。Doctor New Deal was replaced by the Doctor Win the War.

重要的是,战争让新政退出舞台。And what that a matter is that the War put an end to the New Deal.

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几十年过去了之间的成功废除主义和新政改革。Decades elapsed between successful abolitionism and New Deal reforms.

地位得到巩固之后,罗斯福打开了新政的闸门。After consolidating his position, F.D.R. opened the New Deal floodgates.

库伦办事大臣辖区的新政进展较大。In area under Kulun Amban's jurisdiction, the New Policy progressed much.

美国紧缩新政的原因更为微妙,但并不令人吃惊。The reasons for the new American austerity are subtler, but not shocking.

除非新政权能提供这些服务,否则他们将很快失信于民。New authorities lose credit quickly unless they can deliver these services.

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威斯康星给新政所提供的人力比其他任何大学都要多。Wisconsin supplied more manpower to the New Deal than any other university.

新政后房屋交易收税手续变复杂百姓该如何纳税?。After the new housing transactions are complex procedures change how the tax?

狱政改革是“清末新政”的一个重要内容。Prison reform is an important content of the new policies in late Qing Dynasty.

然而,这一新政却让市中心在周末的晚上成了危险区。Instead, they turned town centres into no-go areas on Friday and Saturday nights.

暂时的,这些就是胡佛作为新政未被承认的始作俑者的理由。Such, briefly, is the case for Hoover as the unacknowledged sire of the New Deal.

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他又问到许多关于美国新政和罗斯福外交政策的问题。He asked inumerable questions about the New Deal , and Roosevelt's foreign policy.

作者还对袁世凯与北洋新政作了评价。The author also evaluates Yu an Shikai and his policies under the Late Qing Reform.

师夷新政缘何在第一次鸦片战争后未能即时兴起,原因很多。Not copying the west immediately after the first Opium War results from many reasons.