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你们读过电影的原著吗?。Q. Had you guys read the books?

这个剧本与原著不相符。The play does not agree with the book.

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它由原著缩节而成。It was abridged from the original work.

我读西蒙娜·德·波伏瓦的原著。I read simone de beauvoir in the original.

如果你想阅读,原著还是有得卖的。They are still there if you want to read them.

我在学习希腊文是为了读荷马原著。I'm studying Greek to read Homer in the original.

但是我觉得它们已经很接近原著了。But I feel that they stayed quite close to the book.

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同原著一样,女主角在故事一开始就死亡了。True to the novel, our heroine is dead from the outset.

这本最受人喜爱的金钱管理原著至今仍然是最好的。The original money-management favorite is still the best!

这部小说已由俄文原著改编成无线电广播节趴。This has been adapted for radio from the Russian original.

原著版本的书籍或许会让你猛翻字典。Books in their original versions may send you to dictionary.

而且我们对原著做了一些改动,不完全是原来的故事。We also make some changes, so It’s not exactly the same story.

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他有足够的水平阅读莎士比亚的原著。He has sufficient proficiency to read Shakespear in the original.

他还记得自己是先看了电影之后再读的原著。He remembers that he watched the movie first, then read the book.

这个剧集是以原著小说为基础的,但是我们的故事与小说不同。We use the books as the basis to the show but our story is different.

史泰格原著故事的电影版有点像是童话故事的颠覆版。The movie version of Steig's story is a sort of fairy tale in reverse.

这为戴蒙与艾弗列克赢得了奥斯卡最佳原著剧本奖。This earned both Damon and Affleck Oscars for Best Original Screenplay.

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原著小说的结尾,是女孩最终承认自己撒了谎污蔑了白隐禅师。In the original story, the girl eventually admits to lying about Hakuin.

当大卫·文翰加入剧组扮演法拉默的时候他还没有看过原著。David Wenham hadn't read the books when he joined the production as Faramir.

在通读原著时,应注意克服学术上的片面性。It should overcome academic one-sidedness while reading their original work.