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以前的LSAT考卷都是公开的。Past exams from the LSAT are all released.

但是不知怎么的,在旅行途中,我弄丢了五份考卷。Somehow in the travel, I lost five of them.

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他考卷答得很好。He answered the examination paper quite well.

把答案纸夹在考卷里。Insert you answer sheet into your test paper.

如果你故意或无意地污损考卷。If you spoil your paper, intentionally or accidentally.

下次上课时,教授将考卷发下去。The next class the professor handed the tests back out.

小明一看见数学考卷就犯怵。Xiao Ming feels nervous each time he takes a math exam.

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她一看考卷就傻眼了。When she saw the examination paper, she got a nasty shock.

请把考卷分发给所有的同学。Please distribute the examination papers to all the students.

所有考卷都应在星期五前分发出去。All the examination papers should be handed out before Friday.

如若做一份考卷,熟悉相关知识的人可以一挥而就。Some people can easily produce everything they know on a test.

老师给全班学生分发考卷。The teacher distributed the examination papers round the class.

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老师给我们的考卷打了分,然后发还给我们。The teacher marked our examination papers and returned them tous.

他说道,“考卷已经在印刷工手里了。He said, "The examination papers are now in the hands of the printer.

抱歉。我的考卷印得不好。有几道看不清楚。Excuse me. My paper is not well-copied. I can't read several questions.

他们欢快地进了考场,教授把考卷发给他们。Jubilantly they field into the classroom. The professor passedoutthe papers.

他们欢快地进了考场,教授把考卷发给他们。Happyly they crouded into the classroom. The professor passed out the papers.

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不行,考生只能使用他们的考卷来做为草稿纸计算。No. Candidates may use only their question book for calculations and scratch work.

我原本打算去参加你的晚会,可你知道我还得完成那令人厌倦的考卷。I had planned to go to your party, but you know I had to finish that tiresome paper.

我们老师的考卷多得批阅不过来,因此她把其中的一半交由一位朋友代阅了。Our teacher had too many test papers to read, so she farmed out half of them to a friend.