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讨论延期了。This discussion was prorogued.

延期付款的标准.A Standard of Deferred Payment.

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我可以延期支付申请费吗?。Can I defer the application fee?

会议延期一周召开。The meeting adjourned for a week.

运动会因雨延期举行。The athletic meeting was rained out.

他拍电报给我,说他将延期到达。He wired me that he would be delayed.

延期付款基础上的服务。Services on a deferred-payment basis.

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你可延期至下周支付。You may defer payment until next week.

这笔债务延期到明年偿还。This debt is rescheduled for next year.

我们会给你一段时间延期付款。We'll give you a time extension to pay.

你去给我的案子延期是吧?You go and give me a continuance, right?

也及时注意到你们延期付款的请求。and note with due attention your request

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会议怕要延期了。I'm afraid the meeting will be postponed.

第三十条子项目延期验收。Thirtieth sliver item deferred acceptance.

我们不能接受延期付款。We can‘t accept payment on deferred terms.

由于天气不好,园游会延期了。The weather looks good or the garden party.

我希望阪神队的比赛不要因下雨而延期。I hope the Tiger's game won't be rained out.

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安全型长延期导爆管雷管。Safety Long-time Delay Shock-tube Detonator.

延期或休会至将来某一日期。Postponement or adjournment to a future date.

安倍成功的使其在去年得以延期。Abe succeeded in having it extended last year.