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录像显示一位幼童在大街上玩耍。The video shows a toddler playing in a street.

幼童坐在高脚椅里,发出咯咯声。The baby sat in his high-chair,burbling happily.

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一种低婉的和弦,像幼童的哭泣。A low refrain, which is like the crying of a small child.

据悉,黄开全体重仅为12公斤,和三岁幼童差不多。He weighs just 12 kilograms, the same as a three-year-old.

每票只限一人进场。幼童不论年龄亦须凭票入场。One ticket required for each person regardless of the age.

于较低位置的电力插座应加上盖面,以免幼童误触。Use socket covers on sockets accessible to young children.

有没有更好的方法说服一个跚跚学步的幼童有选择性地听话呢?A better way to reason with a toddler with selective hearing?

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青年人应该服役推磨,幼童倒在柴捆之下。Young men toil at the millstones, boys stagger under heavy loads.

现批准该幼童军获金紫荆奖章。I hereby approve the said Cub Scout for The Golden Bauhinia Award.

日营幼童军练习演奏中式钹及锣鼓。Day camp Cub Scouts practiced to play the Chinese cymbals and drum.

幼童的溺水过程不单快,而且悄无声息。Not only are toddler drownings quick, they're also typically silent.

她用一顶幼童式的波状假发遮着自己的斑白头发。She concealed her gray hair under a frizzed wig known as the baby wig.

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它还警告说,许多幼童可能会有长期的生理和心理问题。It warns many may be left with long-lasting physical and mental problems.

许多婴儿和正在学步的幼童坐在婴儿餐椅上时都容易烦躁不安。Many infants and toddlers become easily distracted and fidget in a highchair.

当然,拜耳也表示,很多蹒跚学步的幼童还没发展出对水的恐惧感。As well, most toddlers haven't yet developed a fear of the water, Byers noted.

Harpocrates也被称作“幼童荷鲁斯”是由埃及之神荷鲁斯改编而来的希腊之神。Harpocrates was the Greek adaptation of the Egyptian god known as Horus the child.

特别是2岁以下的幼童在观看电视的时候,应该有父母的陪伴。Ideally, when kids younger than 2 watch TV, their parents should watch it with them.

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而胎儿、乳儿以及幼童更易遭到影响,这搭面有两个缘故原由。The fetus, infant and chellold are much more susceptible than adults for two reasons.

要如何建立婴儿与幼童的不寻常血液样本参考分布?How would you establish reference ranges for uncommon analytes in infants and toddlers?

邦国,你的君王若是一个幼童,你的长官若清晨宴饮,你就有祸了!Woe to thee, O land, when thy king is a child, and when the princes eat in the morning.