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他自认为很走运。He accounted himself lucky.

有些垂钓者就是不走运。SOme fishermen are unlucky.

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一只不走运的狐狸,失足掉到了井里。An unlucky fox fell into a well.

有一些人,就不那么走运了。Some, however, are not so lucky.

她才走运呢,嫁了人就有了钱!She had intention of marrying him.

输的总是这个不走运的孬货。Always this unlucky bum would lose.

或者是亨德里克斯不太走运?Or is Hendrix, indeed, out of luck?

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如果你讨厌仰卧起坐,那么你就走运了。If you hate sit-ups, you're in luck.

她才走运呢,嫁了人就有了钱!What luck she had, marrying into money!

大概在18个月前,她走运了。About 18 months ago she hit the jackpot.

即使你走运,弄到一个卧铺If you are lucky enough to get a sleeper

被称为“不走运的天才打手”。Talent goon who is not in luck by named.

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见好就收吧,你不可能太走运了。You can't have too much of a good thing.

那是他第一回走运。That was his first stroke of good fortune.

面试,你今天走运了,我是面试官,来吧,来根烟怎么样?You are lucky today. I am the interviewer.

我真为她高兴,今年她很走运。I'm so happy for her, it's totally her year.

我们是真他妈的走运极了。We're the luckiest sons -of-bitches in the word.

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“祝你走运,汤姆,”她说,“你能打败他。”"Good luck, Tom," she said. "You gotter do 'im."

在上赛季很不走运他们没有赢得任何比赛。They did not win everything last season by fluke.

你可能会跟夏琳还有罗伯特一样走运呢。You might be just as lucky as Charlene and Robert.