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都去前台,谁在幕后?Proscenium , whom do play in backstage?

也许前台能给我破开。Maybe the front desk can break it for me.

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服务员会领您到前台去。A bellman will show you to the Front Desk.

所以能不能把行李寄放在前台职员处呢?Can you leave it with the front desk clerk?

我曾经在嘉逸皇冠酒店做过前台行李生。I worked in Grand royal hotel as a bellboy.

迪拜码头,在某酒店前台登记入住的人们。Men checking in to a hotel at Dubai Marina.

我在江西武宁,我的工作是前台。I in Wuning, Jangxi. My job is Receptionist.

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我们向前台要了枕头和毛巾。We asked for extra pillows and extra towels.

你在前台消耗品方面是否做到节俭?Are you conserving on Front Desk expendables?

有意者,请与前台洽询。If interested, please speak to the front desk.

这个女孩是北京饭店的前台接待员。The girl is a receptionist of the Beijing Hotel.

所以请把行李寄放在前台职员处。Please leave the baggage with the front desk clerk.

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前台接待员为来客预订房间。The receptionist books the room for the arriving guest.

在酒店前台登记,该酒店名叫艾斯么拉达公园。Checking in at the hotels reception, the Esmeralda Park.

假设我们要为旅馆搭建一个前台终端设备。Assume we are building a front-desk terminal for a hotel.

行李员指引客人到前台办理入住手续。The bellboy directs the guest check in at the front desk.

前台人员已经不回答记者的提问。Downstage personnel has not answered the reporter's query.

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解放J6正推动中国物流产业走向世界前台。Jiefang J6 is pushing China logistic industry to the world.

查看你的站点前台页面,现在所有的菜单项应该是一片空白了,别担心,我们接下来要解决这个问题。Preview your site. Alle menu items should appear empty now.

为前台接待员买一些花,说声“谢谢”。Buy the office receptionist flowers just to say, “Thank you.”