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他正在滑滑梯。He is sliding.

它正在下雪。It is snowing.

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我正在煮汤。I'm making soup.

它正在显现!It is manifesting!

我正在努力。我正在学习。我正在处理。我正在改进。I’m working on-it.

他正在用唧筒抽水。He was pumping away.

他的同伴正在打瞌睡。His companions doze.

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妈妈正在做烤面包片。Mom is making toast.

引航员正在去你船。Pilot coming to you.

这只公鸡正在啼鸣。The cock is crowing.

这船正在下沉。The ship is sinking.

风正在刮。The wind is blowing.

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我们正在测试什么?What are we testing?

你正在风帆冲浪!You are windsurfing!

你正在拯救我。And you're saving me.

但是它正在消沉吗?But is it sinking in?

婴儿正在生牙。The baby is teething.

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蜜蜂正在嗡嗡叫。The bees are buzzing.

他们正在开会。They're at a meeting.

生意正在好起来。Business is taking up.