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她是个大胖子。She is a fatso.

你好吗胖子?How you doing, fatso?

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女人叫你胖子?Do women call you Shortie?

胖子我记得住你这张脸。I remember you fat this face.

胖子一定吃得很多吗?Does fatso eat very more certainly?

而把胖子从桥上推下去吗?pushing the fat man off the bridge?

是一个有趣而又可爱的大胖子。Is a fun and lovely real butterball.

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胖子是双姐喊来的。The Fat Man is a two-sister to call.

胖子弟弟是包皮王吗?Is fatso little brother wrapping king?

为什么会有胖子弟弟?Why can you have fatso little brother?

呈现你最美好的一面,但不需打肿脸皮充胖子。Be the best of you, not better than you.

胖子欠身对她耳语几句。Fatso leaned over to whisper in her ear.

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我在高中的时候是个大胖子。I used to be fat when I was in high school.

要不了多久,可怜的小胖子托曼就要体会到了。As poor 'plump Tommen may be about to learn.

那么,杨贵妃究竟是美若天仙的天使,还是肥硕无比的胖子呢?So, it is exactly the angel of fat, or large?

那个胖子笨拙地上了车。The fat man clumsily got himself into the car.

因为他胖,人们给他取个绰号叫“胖子”。They nicknamed him" Fats" because of his weight.

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有多少人会选择把那胖子推下桥?how many would push the fat man over the bridge?

推胖子到电轨上,他会死。Pushing someone over on the track and killing him.

“是的,伍佰元!”胖子肯定道。"Yes, 500 dollars! "The fatty affirms a direction.