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龙脉被四代封印,岂是能轻易打开的!Dragon arteries and veins by 4 acting seal, can open easily!

它被称为骨干、或“龙脉”的北京。IT is known as the backbone, or the"dragon vein" of Beijing.

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太合龙脉地产的林少洲在这个问题上似乎较有发言权。Hop acres of the property is too small Chau Lam on this issue seems to have more say.

哪,您看看是否酒店的所在地符合正确的龙脉和穴位吗?So, can you justify whether the location of the hotel is aligned with the dragon vein and dragon spot?

我们龙脉计算机职业学校现在考试的学生主要是通过这套软件来学习的!DragonVenture our computer vocational school students test now mainly through the study of this software!

龙脉庄园高级会所集合了高级SPA、棋牌室、餐厅、会议室等多种功能区域。Dragon manor senior clubs set the function of advanced SPA, chess room, restaurant, conference room and other areas.

一方是普鲁士贵族庄园,一方是大清王朝悠悠龙脉,在这里传情般地相遇。One is the Prussian aristocratic Manor, the other is the scene of Qing Dynasty, they bump into each other here amazingly.

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我不知道在这件事上个人细节的来龙脉,但当然,我认为我们所有的人都想避免出现这种青少年怀孕的现象。I don't know the individual details of the case, but of course, I think all of us would want to avoid teenage pregnancies.

这条中轴线也叫做龙脉,线上的景山是内城的中心点,也是故宫的镇山。This axis is also called dragon, line of Jingshan Hill is the center point of the city, is the town of the Imperial Palace.

如今,作为一个强大的亡灵巫师,她率领自己的不死军团抗击试图污染赫莱士北部龙脉的恶魔大军。Now a powerful Necromancer, she leads her army of Undead against a legion of Demons attempting to corrupt a chain of Dragon Veins north of Heresh.

潍坊龙脉信息产业有限公司成立于1998年,专业从事多媒体技术开发、校园网络工程建设的大型网络工程公司。Was established in 1998, specializes in multimedia technology development, the campus network of large-scale network construction engineering company.

龙脉温泉度假村总占地280亩,景色宜人,空气清新,地下蕴藏着国内首屈一指的淡温泉,地热资源丰富。Longmai hotspring resorts has a total area of 280 mu, landscape and fresh air of underground deposits of the leading domestic short springs and geothermal resources.

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沙影逃忍百足逃到这里,妄想打开之前四代火影波风水门的封印,以控制龙脉。Sha Ying escapes bear 100 sufficient escape to here, wave of shadow of 4 acting fire is geomantic before covet is opened the seal of the door, in order to control dragon arteries and veins.