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这就像一个全麦饼干沉着应战。It buckled like a graham cracker.

不可率尔应战。We should not rashly accept battle.

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还有这两位美能否从容应战?Or can these two hotties work it out?

第二天白天,方天翼的队伍紧张的应战。The next day, the physical team intense battle.

那所黉舍向本人们应战赛场足球。The school challenged us to a game of football.

那五常让算命先生代写应战告示。The Wuchang let the fortune teller to write with notices.

胤杰无奈拔剑应战,但很快就被打倒。But did pull out the sword yingzhen jie, but was soon down.

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这表现了严重应战调味操行销。This represents a serious challenge to condiments marketers.

对10人应战来说四十五分钟是很久的。Forty-five minutes is a long, long time to play with ten men.

我们在将军的指挥下沉着应战。We met an enemy attack calmly under the direction of the general.

斯普拉格应战的时候,好象一个军事学院的学生在解答一道作战的难题。Sprague reacted like a War College student solving a battle problem.

为了和郑北执这口吻,齐欣承受了这个应战。In order to hold the north and zheng, JiXin bear the tone this action.

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哥尔基雅率领三千步兵,四百骑兵出来应战。And he came out with three thousand footmen, and four hundred horsemen.

应战圣堂堂主,圣堂堂主掌控一个郡城!Holy Lord, holy challenge until the official control a county town! ! ! ! !

鲁滨逊和星期五沉着应战,打退了一次次进攻,并最终炸死了海盗。Crusoe and Friday play a calm and beat back again, and finally killed the pirates.

好在我们的队员在失球后沉着应战,才能最终获得胜利。Is good in ours member after fumbling acts calmly, can achieve the success finally.

生命是一场短途游览,在旅途上有应战和机缘。Life is a long journey, challenges keep pace with opportunites during this journey.

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曼城的球迷都担心一向小心谨慎的曼奇尼在开场后会保守应战。Many City fans feared that cautious Roberto Mancini would start with the brakes on.

感激每一次新的应战,由于它会塑造你的个性和力量。Be thankful for each new challenge, because it will build your strength and character.

应战圣地圣皇,圣地圣皇掌控龙之大陆!The emperor, holy sanctuary challenge the emperor of the dragon control mainland China!