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本文就我国生漆化学研究状况做了评述。Research condition of raw lacquer chemistry in our country was reviewed.

本文简要论述了贵州省生漆历史概况。The general situation ot lacquer history in Guizhou province is simply discussed.

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有关涂料、清漆、生漆和其它相关产品的标准术语。ASTM D Standard terminology relating to paint, Varnish, Lacquer, and Related products.

补灰就是用生漆和细石膏调和成浆状举办填密和修补。Filling is stuffing and fixing with slurry mixture of raw lacquer and fine gray gypsum.

本文介绍了裂解气相色谱法鉴别中国生漆中的掺假物。Determination of adulterants in Chinese lacquer by pyrolysis gas chromatography is reported.

所谓“刮腻子”就是用生漆腻子将雕件的沟纹、缝隙等缺陷填补平。The so-called "scrape putty" is to flat the grooves, cracks and other defects with lacquer putty.

介绍了木家具表面涂饰中生漆和不透明漆的涂装工艺、漆膜性能、常见漆病及解决对策。The coating process of urushi and opaque paint in surface decoration for wood furniture is reviewed.

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我国对漆树的栽培及生漆的使用已有约7000年的历史。The people of our country have been planting lacquer tree and using raw lacquer for almost 7000 years.

研究了不同用量的钯炭催化剂对生漆催化氢化的影响。The effects of the different amounts of Pd C catalyst on the hydrogenation of raw lacquer were investigated.

根据生漆的亲脂性质分析,这些嗜锇物质很可能就是生漆的前体物质。According to the lipophilic property of lacquer, these osmiophilic substances may be lacquer or its precursors.

生漆是从漆树割取的天然液汁,主要由漆酚、漆酶、树胶质及水分构成。Lacquer is excised from the lacquer natural sap, which is mainly composed of urushiol, laccase, tree resin and water.

用氢氧化钠水溶液对天然生漆漆膜进行腐蚀,以模拟已被腐蚀的古代漆器漆膜,再用硅酸乙酯对已被腐蚀的生漆膜进行化学修复。Raw lacquer film was etched by aqueous solution of NaOH so as to simulate the corroded raw lacquer film on ancient lacquerwares.

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生漆是一种天然涂料,其品质与产地、漆树品种、立地条件、采割时间、采割技术和贮存时间等有关。Sap is a natural paint and its quality has something to do with varieties, weather condition, tapping technology and storing time.

本文为将天然生漆研究开发成功能材料提供一定理论和实验依据。This paper will provide theoretical and experimental basis for the study and research on natural raw lacquer as function material.

利用毛细管色谱柱和氢火焰离子化检测器对生漆挥发物进行分离,分出7~9个色谱峰。The volatile matter of Chinese lacquer was separated by GC with PEG 20M capillary column and FID. 7-9 components have been separated.

本文通过红外、核磁、差热分析、热重分析、扭辫分析以及其他分析,讨论了原生漆和改性漆的结构与性能的关系。The relation of structure of high-build and modified lacquer to the properties were studied using IR, NMR, DTA, TG, TBA and other analysis.

利用接收器接收液体中下落小球的超声多普勒效应频移信号,将此信号送微机进行采集、比较、判断、计算,并显示出生漆的粘滞系数。A receiver is used for receiving the frequency pushing signals of ultrasound Doppler effect of the little balls falling in the measured liquid.

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他画鸟雀时用生漆点睛,黑豆粒般地凸出在纸绢上,使眼珠发亮,十分生动。When he drew birds, he liked to use lacquer to highlight their eyes to make them stand out from the paper and appear brighter and more prominent.

由云南镇雄采取新鲜生漆,经丙酮除去漆酚,沸水浴提取,三氯醋酸—正丁醇除杂蛋白,乙醇沉淀。The urushiol in the extract was removed from lacquer by autoae. The Polysaccharide btained from acetone powder were extracted by boiling water bath.

本文主要研究了生漆精制工艺控制过程的主要影响因子及其对成膜过程的影响。In this paper, influenceing factors of Chinese-lacquer were studied during refined process, and the effects of that on lacquer film were investigated.