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目的论给自由留下了空间吗?What room does teleology leave for freedom?

这就是目的论推理的一个例子。This is an example of teleological reasoning.

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目的论的推论的原则,我相信The teleological framework of reasoning,I believe

这个秩序是从自然中和它的目的论中所发现的。That order was known from Nature and its teleology.

嗯,在他那正义的目的论,在其叙述的主线上Well, in line with his teleological account of justice

康德深以这一观点为是,但他最终相信目的论。Kant identify with this view deeply, but he believes teleology finally.

本文把目的论和戏剧翻译的基本理念与译本的对比分析相结合。In this paper the author explores Susan Bassnett s view on theatre translation.

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实证主义断然否定那些采用目的论做研究的领域。Positivism flatly denies that any field of inquiry is open for teleological research.

这是对亚里士多德的公正的目的论说法的主要反对意见之一。And this is one of the main objections to Aristotle's teleological account of justice.

第三章介绍了目的论,并指出它对英文影片汉译的重要指导作用。Chapter Three introduces Skopostherie, and discusses its inspiration on E-C film translation.

知情同意的道德基础可以从义务论和目的论两个方面得到辩护。The theory of informed consent can be justified from two aspects of deontology and teleology.

他会让自己将目的论介绍到里面,绝对知识的目的或目标。He can allow himself to introduce into it the telos, the end, the goal, of an absolute knowledge.

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克李曼发现成年人也会和孩子一样相信事物存在目的论。Kelemen has found that adults are just as inclined to see design and intention where there is none.

康德从启蒙运动对目的论的抛弃中看到了现代性的征兆。Kant foresees the symptom of modernity through the fate of teleology abandoned by the enlightenment.

在我国,规范论和目的论是相互对立的,并且似乎缺乏深层沟通的愿望。In our country, deontology and teleology are opposite and have no deep wish to understand each other.

即使赞成他目的论和反简化论点的心理学家也未必对他心服。Even psychologists who applaud his teleology and antireductionist position may not be comfortable with him.

他阐明了一种,谨慎而彻底的唯物主义的,非目的论的人性的物理。He sets out to give a deliberately and thoroughly materialistic and non-teleological physics of human nature.

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他阐明了一种,谨慎而彻底的唯物主义的,非目的论的人性的物理。He sets out to give a deliberately and thoroughly materialistic and non-teleological physics of human nature.

本文旨在目的论框架内探讨绍兴名士文化的翻译问题及对策。This paper aims to explore the English translation of Shaoxing mingshi culture within the framework of skopostheorie.

在人们无法找出原因和结果的关系的时候,他们便会寻求目的论的解释。Where people did not know how to seek the relation of cause and effect, they looked for a teleological interpretation.