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很多心理学家都是夸夸奇谈,不实之徒。A lot of psychology is charlatanry, chicanery.

德约科维奇谈到高达华氏95度的气温,“但是,情况就是那样,我只得尽力去应付。But, you know, that was the situation. I just have to cope with it.

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库奇谈的更多是关于基因治疗,现在我已经完全迷失了。Kutcher talks more about gene therapy, and by now I'm completely lost.

他拿起电话打给一个大学生本身就可称为奇谈。The fact that he picked up the phone to call a college kid speaks wonders.

但是,他对阿布拉莫维奇谈的却是切尔西面对新赛季的抱负。However, he spoke to Abramovich about Chelsea's ambitions for the season ahead.

也是在这段日子里,她的生活成为了艾摩斯特市的奇谈。It was also during this period that her life was transformed into the myth of Amherst.

我昨晚和米哈伊洛维奇谈过,我和他以及皇家马德里的主席卡尔德隆都是朋友。I spoke this evening with Mijatovic, because both him and president Calderon are friends.

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上个星期我和克劳奇谈过,他已把这个赛季的目标定为22球。I spoke to Peter Crouch last week and he has set himself a 22-goal target for this season.

否则的话,难免有自圆其说,夸大奇谈之嫌。Otherwise if, hard to avoid has justify oneself , the ill will of exaggerated absurd argument.

没有千古奇谈的故事,没有茶余饭后的八卦趣闻,只有寂寞,尖锐的刺痛我的左心房,右心室。No eternal mystery story, not at one's leisure the gossipy tidbits, only the lonely, a sharp pain in my left atrium, right ventricle.

对那些喜欢以高个子为主角的奇谈故事的人来说,决定人类身高的基因变异种类突然井喷般增加了很多。For those of you who love a tall tale, the list of genetic variations that determine human height has just experienced a growth spurt.

里奇谈到了他借助极限编程以及测试和重构所开发的项目。整个系统彻底贯彻了极限编程的精要。Rich talked about this system he was developing using XP with testing and refactoring -- drinking the whole XP Kool-Aid completely through the system.

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约翰·奥尔德里奇谈到了他对苏亚雷斯的钦佩,他称乌拉圭令其想起了在上世纪70年代在安菲尔德优雅绽放的那个著名的七号。John Aldridge has spoken of his admiration for Luis Suarez and claims the Uruguyan reminds him of a famous No. 7 that used to grace Anfield in the 70s.