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你有没有做年中检讨呢?Do you do mid-year reviews?

年中时,该会约有450名会员。In mid-1999, it had around 450 members.

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这是农历年中第一个月圆之夜!It's the first full moon of the lunar year!

还记得2003年年中到2005年年中你有多难过么?Remember how hard mid-2003 to mid-2005 was for you?

它反映了直到年中依然相对强劲的经济。It reflects the relatively strong economy until midyear.

沙田头村扩展计划在一九九五年展开,一九九六年年中完成。Tau Village started in 1995 and was completed in mid-1996.

相关的大部分地盘平整工程,已于一九九八年年中完成。Site formation of the area was largely completed in mid-1998.

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通过对感冒与冷空气活动过程的分析,找出了冬半年中的感冒高发期。It is found that the favorable incidence of common cold in winter.

木星也会在年中时期撞入白羊,使精神能量臻至三倍。Jupiter also darts into Aries mid-year, tripling the mental energy.

我们希望新增的7个站点能够在今年年中投入使用。We hope to bring the seven new stations into operation by mid-year.

未来的一些年中,我们可以观察其中有多少能在上海交大被实现。We just have to see how much of it can be realized at SJTU in a few years.

自2003年年中以来,发生高致病性禽流感的情况不断上升。A highly pathogenic form of avian influenza has been on the rise since mid-2003.

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如果得到监管机构的批准,这笔交易预计在今年年中会完成。Subject to regulatory approval, the deal is expected to be completed by midyear.

香港马季最快可于下年年中延长。The Hong Kong racing season could be extended from as early as summer next year.

美国的总统选举每四年、在能被4除的双数年中举行一次。Presidential election every four years, in addition to be 4 years of double-held.

自2003年年中以来,共有18个以前无脊髓灰质炎的国家重新受到感染。In total, 18 previously polio-free countries have been re-infected since mid-2003.

年中,中国经济突飞猛进地增长。Over the past two decades, China has achieved exceptionally rapid economic growth.

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当局将进行一项综合研究,预期在二零零零年年中完成。A comprehensive study will be conducted and is targeted for completion by mid-2000.

沙田头村扩展计划在一九九五年展开,一九九六年年中完成。The extension of Sha Tin Tau Village started in 1995 and was completed in mid-1996.

到年中该公司已经同3300名左右的客户签订了合同,这些客户从钢铁企业到食杂店,无所不有。By mid-year some 3,300 customers, from steel plants to grocery stores, had signed up.