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人类而非能人?Human But Not Habilis?

她的策略是成为地上树上两个世界都吃得开的能人。Her strategy was to be mistress of both worlds.

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但是能人最终还是要作出选择的。But mistresses eventually have to make a choice.

期待新一届的能人加入我们愉快的工作之中!I'm long for the abler in next grade can join us!

有知识而无实践,只算半个能人。Knowledge without practice makes but half an artist.

还找出教育的能人在您的领域。Also find out what education the hotshots in your field have.

这些早期人类有可能是"能人",意思是“敏捷能干的人。”Those early humans were probably Homo habilis, which means "handy man."

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他说,‘看,这些就是我国最强的能人。He said, 'Look, these are the strongest and most able men in the country.

我是阴界的导游,在神秘介质中的女能人!I am a guide in the nether-realms, a mistress in the medium of the mysterious!

与早期人类相比,早期能人股骨的头端稍大、杆部更宽广些。Early Homo femora have larger heads and broader necks compared to early hominins.

一时间,对于保罗先生的种种发明,没有任何的音乐能人可以发挥其最大价值。For a time there were no musical geniuses to put his inventions to their best use.

也许能人统治是新式政府的一部分,但需要加以确认。May meritocracy be part of a new form of government, which needs to be established.

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华尔街求贤若渴,在顶尖大学里疯狂搜罗博弈论和期权模型方面的能人志士。Wall Street ransacked the best universities for game theorists and options modellers.

这是家一人公司,这位能人着力于制造藻类生物反应器。And what this guy was doing was a one-man-band, and he was building algae bioreactors.

如果你的上司是一个社交能人,你可能会有一个轻松悠闲自在的工作环境。You probably have arelaxed and laid-back work environment if your superior is a Mixer.

庸人费心将是消磨时光,能人费尽心计利用时间。Mediocrities bother to spend her time will be, homo habilis had shrewd use of our time.

请教众能人如果在WIN2K下进行特殊磁道格式化和读写?Consult the public under the capable if WIN2K special track format, reading and writing?

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能人出现在约250万年前,被认为是第一批人类。Homo habilis appeared about 2.5 million years ago, and is thought to be the first human.

新华网称这个能吃玻璃的能人拥有一项120秒吃完三个灯泡的记录。XInhua reports the glass-eating master has a record of three light bulbs eaten in just 120 seconds.

另外一个申请的理由是现在中国的商务英语的教与学很难差能人意。Another reason is that the situation of business English teaching and learning is far from satisfying.