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我不指责那些年轻气盛想要引起轰动的人。I don't blame the young guys for trying to make a splash.

当我十来岁的时候,我就感到自己年轻气盛,但是缺少把握。When I was a teenager , I felt that I was just young and uncertain.

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我方经验丰富,对方年轻气盛决心大,两者不相上下。The experience of our side and the youthful determination of the other balance each other out.

克利格把可怕的事实告诉了阿纳金,但这位年轻气盛的绝地不相信施密已死。Cliegg told Anakin the terrible news, but the defiant young Jedi refused to accept that Shmi was dead.

实际上,这片区域里的恒星个个年轻气盛,向外涌出喷流物质,产生了发光的冲击波。In fact, this region abounds with energetic young stars producing jets and outflows that create luminous shock waves.

这个结果或许可以说明为什么有些年轻气盛的男性一直认为兄弟比女人重要,以防影响他们的兄弟情义。This may explain why some young males maintain the "bros over h-words" rule—to try to prevent their inner circle from being fragmented.

在那个赛季里,萨姆-卡塞尔和罗伯特-霍里还都是年轻气盛的小伙子,他们也获得了在季后赛登场的机会,而且表现之好令人出乎意料。Robert Horry and Sam Cassell were young and talented. They went out in the playoffs in a second-round sweep, but that was plenty of talent.

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我愿把那当作是年轻气盛的表现,我希望随着年龄和经验的增长,自己已经知道更多的软技能并且对于如何使某人成为一名好的队友有了更广泛的理解。I hope that as I've aged and matured, I've become more aware of the softer skills and have a broader view of what makes someone a good teammate.

她说,年轻气盛的毕业生们经常错误地认为现在的世界太随便了,也许他们是混淆了过去和现在。She says that young, freshly minted grads often make the mistake these days of going too casual, perhaps confusing what once was with what now is.

今天我妈对我满脸的青春痘做出了“年轻气盛”之外的另外一种解释,那就是我在活的这些年里干的坏事太多了。Today, my mother suggested that the reason I have acne is not because of hormones and being a teenager, but because I was a bad person in a past life.

初生牛犊不怕虎的我,是年轻气盛吗?毕业了,我却留在了这不大不小的城市,陪着我的只有那午夜里放在心底的梦。Newborn calves are not afraid of the tiger I, is the young man?Graduated, but I stay in this small city, accompany me only then at midnight on the dream.

虽然韩寒年轻气盛,一口气已经发表了14本书和文集,他总还是选择远离一些敏感问题。despite his youthful bravado, Han, who has published 14 books and anthologies, generally stays away from sensitive issues such as democracy and human rights.

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那时意气风发,年轻气盛,总以为爱情只是两个人的事情,每次高调地行走,完全不顾及他人的眼光。At that time high-spirited, young and fit, always think that love is only a matter of two people, each walking a high-profile and not heeding the eyes of others.

她的逻辑是这样的,当我们年轻气盛的时候,是身体上最适合求偶的,但我们并不会这么做,因为从社会的角度,我们想等一等再安定下来。Her argument is that it is these early years where we are biologically most prepared to mate, but we don't do this because socially we want to wait longer to settle down.