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上星期我们去儿童剧院。Last week we went to a Children's theatre.

上周我们去了一家儿童剧院。Last week we went to a children's theatre.

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一部叫做“白雪公主”的儿童剧正在上映。There's a good play called 'Snow White' is on.

今年王先生在创作一部新的儿童剧。This year Mr Wang is writing a new play for children.

我们在月底将上演一出儿童剧。Well put on a children play at the end of this month.

每周五晚上文化中心都有演出儿童剧。There is a children's play at the culture center every Friday night.

上星期我们去了一家儿童剧院。Last week we went to a children's theater. The men wore women's clothes.

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充满童趣的儿童剧可以提高孩子们学习英语的兴趣。The English Short Play which is full of delight can rise children's interest.

儿童剧事实上成了超低音音响的试验场,还有什么可看的呢?What could be seen as child's play is in fact a proving ground for the prosw.

参加过无数的儿童选美比赛,也拍过无数的儿童剧。She had participated in numerous beauty pageants and competitions since she was 10 year old.

未来,中国期望制作儿童剧和卡通片,在中国儿童中传播环境保护的理念。In the future, Chen is eager to produce children's dramas and cartoons to spread the idea of environmental conservation among more Chinese children.

从他们眼中的开心和笑声中我可以清楚地感觉到这个新的儿童剧将会一如既往地为中国的孩子们带来欢乐,如同当年带给我快乐一样。It was clear from the joy in their eyes and wide smiles that the show will be as fun for children in China as the original Sesame Street was for me.

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他们开始着手一个新的电视剧,但是老是不停的延期,因为Steve老是坚持要把压箱底的陈年儿童剧拿出来现世。They're developing a new television project, but it keeps getting delayed as he insists on writing episodes of some old kids show they recently pulled out of mothballs.

本剧为导演杨昕巍执导的第一部儿童剧,语言诙谐幽默,与孩子们积极互动,是一份成为送给孩子们的新年厚礼。The show is the Director YangXinwei's first work ever for children. With witty languages and interaction on live, Rabbit Kong-fu vs. Wolf MBA will undoubtedly be a kids' favorite for the new year.