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完全没有一点道德顾虑。There's no moral scruple.

不用顾虑,试试你的运气吧。Donat worry. Try your luck.

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那正是我的顾虑,真的。That is my concern, really.

这个消息解除了我的思想顾虑。The news took a load off my mind.

他们不大顾虑到危险。They recked little of the danger.

我的首要顾虑就是这个问题。This leads me to my first concern.

但如今我不再有这种顾虑了。But now this concern has faded away.

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他很少顾虑到妻子的愿。He seldom regards his wife's wishes.

审慎的顾虑几乎被猖狂的欲念窒息。Is almost choked by unresisted lust.

但他主要顾虑的还是朱安。But his main concern was still Zhu'an.

对身边白勺1切都有更多白勺顾虑。Have more scruples about this and that.

对这个顾虑进行研究并作出回应。Investigate and respond to this concer.

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将你的顾虑写满一张白纸。Flood a piece of paper with your worries.

凯瑟琳由于出于孝心而有所顾虑,这我们应当尊重。We'll respect Catherine's filial scruples.

但是他马上看出同伙们脸上的顾虑。But then he sees the concern on their faces.

德雷尔的一些顾虑听起来很耳熟。Some of Mr. Dreher's worries sound familiar.

对于这次旅行我有过极大的顾虑.I had grave misgivings about making the trip.

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不用顾虑,我知道你跟他们有交情。Don't scruple. I know you are attached to them.

拍卖的表现要好得多,消除了一些顾虑。It did fare far better, allaying some concerns.

这一方法能帮助学生去除顾虑。This method can help students shed inhibitions.