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那台铣床用楔子稳固地支垫著。The milling machine was firmly chocked up.

十二地支是什么?What are Celestial Stems and Earthly Branches?

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刹那间,一个熊熊燃烧的火圈被高高地支了起来。For a moment a flaming ring was raised high up on the floor.

伤兵用肘费劲地支起身子大声呼救。The wounded soldier levered himself up on his elbow and shouted for help.

一条绿色的树蛇在哥斯达黎加的加勒比海低地支叶茂盛的栖木高位上向外凝视。A green tree snake peers from its leafy perch in Costa Rica’s Caribbean lowland.

杰克双腿受了伤,他用肘费劲地支起身子大声呼救。Jack was wounded in the legs. He levered himself up on his elbow and shouted for help.

并且学用汉族农历的天干、地支计算纪年。School with the Han Chinese and the Heavenly Stems, Earthly Branches Jinian calculation.

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中国古代的阴阳学说建立起一套十天干和十二地支的奇妙体系。The ancient Yinyang principle constructed a fantastic system of 10 heavenly stems and 12 mundane branches.

新加坡不征收在被除数上的任何代扣缴所得税,因此,部份的售卖收入可能被直接地支付出到中国股东。Singapore does not levy capital gains tax, hence the proceeds of the sale would be free from any Singapore tax.

本党同样地支持积极的基督教,但它自己不为任何特定教派服务。The Party, as such, stands for positive Christianity, but does not commit itself to any particular denomination.

相对于镜头的方向,他的头部倾斜着,手放在肚子上,来福枪垂直地支在岩石边。His head is tilted in the direction of the camera, his hand on his belly, his rifle propped up vertically against the rocks.

它是世界文化的无价之宝,邵老师用天干地支研究基因,受到了世界科学的高度重视和赞誉。It is invaluable to world culture, with attribution to the study of gene Shao teacher, by the world scientific attention and praise.

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结果脐地支进针法在临床上治疗有明显时间发作规律的疾病,常收到极好的疗效。Results The navel earthly branch needle inserting method had a very good therapeutic effect on the diseases with obvious time attack regularity.

新加坡不征收在被除数上的任何代扣缴所得税,因此,部份的售卖收入可能被直接地支付出到中国股东。Singapore does not levy any withholding tax on dividends, so the proceeds of the sale of the shares could be paid out directly to the Chinese shareholder.

鼠对应地支为子,由于传说中鼠有开天辟地之功,所以居十二生肖之首。Rat corresponds to "Zi" in the Chinese Earthly Branch. Its legendary contribution to the creation of heaven and earth ranked the rat first on the Chinese zodiac.

方法观察中医圆运动气机升降理论和脐地支进针法在临床的应用。Methods Adopt TCM circular motion ascending and descending theories of functional activity of qi and observe clinical application of navel earthly branch needle inserting method.

中国传统的天干地支纪年法由十干和十二支依次相配,组成六十个基本单位,两者按固定的顺序互相配合而成。The Chinese sexagenary cycle, also known as Stems-and-Branches, is a cyclic numeral system of 60 combinations of the two basic cycles, the ten Heavenly Stemsand the twelve Earthly Branches.

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大耀斑确实可以破坏通信和其他地支系统,但科学家们至少在短期内没有迹象表明太阳,将释放出风暴强大到足以炸地球。Big flares can indeed damage communications and other Earthly systems, but scientists have no indications the sun, at least in the short term, will unleash storms strong enough to fry the planet.