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旧病复发,新病增加,是天灾还是人祸?Relapse, a new disease to increase is natural or man-made?

或者你会梦到像原子弹或化学战之类的人祸。Or you dream about manmade disasters like atomic bombs or chemical warfare.

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现今可怜的地球不仅是天灾频仍,人祸更是接踵不断。Earth suffering from natural calamities, it is battered by man-made disASters AS well.

除了天灾之外,我们还遭遇了几场人祸,有些是偶然事故,但也有些是蓄意所为。Besides the natural disasters, we had some crises brought on by human accident or design.

通过实施对印旅游禁令,直到印度采取措施解决这种人祸,这才唯一的解决之道。By placing a travel ban to india until something is done about this avoidable debacle is the only answer.

现今可怜的地球不仅是天灾频仍,人祸更是接踵不断。Not only is our poor Planet Earth suffering from natural calamities, it is battered by man-made disASters AS well.

潮水般的难民从索马里饥荒区汹涌而出,逃难到安全的地方寻求救,似乎这场危机表现出来的更多是暴力引发的人祸而非天灾。As more stream out of Somalia's famine to areas of safety and help, it appears that the crisis is as much about violence as it is about nature.

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所以我常常说人祸,我们既然为他们已经设计好的,一千亩政府拨出来的土地,我为什么会放弃呢?See how man-made disasters can affect people so much. As for the land provided by the Cambodian government, why did I give it up after all the planning?

通过一些数据和实例,得出了我国1998年的水灾既是天灾,又是由人祸酿成的结论。By some data and examples, this article reaches a conclusion that the 1998 flood in China is not only a natural calamity but also a disaster caused by misadministration.

生命也是一样,像精致的玻璃杯,常常经不起大灾人祸的撞击,粉碎成一地的璀璨,每一片都是透明的心。The same is true of life, like fine glass, often can not withstand the impact of man-made catastrophe, smashing into the bright future that lies one place, every piece of the heart are transparent.