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哀怨情感内敛凝聚,是沉重的体验,易郁结不散。Grieved emotion is the heavy experience, it is difficult to disappear.

第三部分冯词“悲喜综错、盘旋郁结”艺术风格的成因。The three chapter discussed the genesis of artistic style of Feng Yansi's Ci.

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绳结的“结”作为物象名词,在中文里经常被用作形容内心难解的、郁结的意象。"Knot" as a noun of object is often used to describe the undissolvable and pent-up emotion.

此一郁结即是对自我本身之珍视,因著此一郁结遂有其情感主调之种种变化。This complex was treasuring the self itself. Because of it , Chia Tao varied his main emotions.

阮籍但求抒发情怀,无论是指斥世人,还是高歌遁世,都是情郁结于中,喷薄而出。His poetry was full of emotions which were used to either reprove common people or praise hermits.

眼下研究人员正考虑把“郁结型恼怒”还有“发泄型恼怒”作为他们关切的最新领域。Now researchers are thinking in terms of "anger in" vs. "anger out" as the latest area of concern.

踏青是春回大地之际,到大自然欣赏春暖花开的春日景象,抒解严冬的郁结心绪。Spring is a spring returns to the Earth, nature appreciation are blooming spring, relieve winter depression mood.

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你们是否向同事和上司坦承此事,或是郁结于心?Were you open with your co-workers and superiors, or did you keep it to yourself?How have your colleagues reacted?

结论解郁泻火安神汤治疗痰火郁结型抑郁症与阿米替林疗效相当,安全性、依从性较阿米替林好。Conclusion The DRFDSQD and amitriptyline have equivalent efficacy in depression, and the has better safety and compliance.

双风贯耳的作用是通过指、腰、掌的功法,疏通脾、肝的郁结之气。The function of Shuangfeng Guan'er is to dredge the stasis Qi in spleen and liver through exercise of fingers, waist and palms.

长期压在心中的郁结似乎也**为这欢快轻松的气氛而消散了不少。Press in idea Yu knit to seem to be likewise over a long duration of time because of this joyful cozy of air yet exhaustion numerous.

荨麻疹、痤疮、银屑病等皮肤病在临床上以肺胃热盛,郁结血分的证候最常出现。Urticaria, acne, psoriasis and other skin diseases in clinical practice most often to exuberant lung-stomach heat, depression blood at the syndrome.

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冯延巳绝大多数词作的性别角色是模糊的,使其词悲喜综错、盘旋郁结的抒情特征有了更为深刻的内涵。The gender roles in the majority of his Ci works were ambiguous. This characteristic made the feature of expressing feelings have more profound meaning.

情绪低落的沈从文时常将心中的郁结向好友胡适倾诉,可即便在最绝望的时候,他也没有停止鸿雁传情。Discouraged, Shen often poured his confusion to his good friend, Hu Shi. But even at the most desperate moment, he did not stop writing love letters to Zhang.

这个两性间基本的分歧正是两性之战的郁结,亦导致雄性变得滥交,雌性羞怯。This fundamental difference between males and females is the very nub of why sex is a battle, and results in promiscuous males and coy females with a critical gaze.

他一连好几个钟点尽思量着一桩事,如今可有一团郁结不解的恶念,一股根深蒂固的报仇心理,在他心里越胀越大了。By this time, after long hours of continued reflection upon one subject, a sombre brooding malevolence, a deep-seated desire of revenge, had grown big within his mind.

这些原则中最重要是消除郁结的负面的游荡的思绪和幻想,用深度的专注使得思维平静下来。The most important among these principles is that of removing obstructive, negative, and wandering thoughts and fantasies, and calming the mind with a deep sense of focus.

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最后并藉由对此一郁结之分析,试图指陈其于生命之意义上,一方面是广度不足,另一方面亦有个人尊严之崇高。Finally by analyzing the complex the author wants to point out that its meanings in life are the lack of width on one hand, but on the other hand the nobleness of oneself's honor.

而在中医角度看治疗骨盆腔炎,多从因湿热郁结而起,故以清热利湿为治疗原则。From the perspective of Chinese medicine PID is mostly due to binding depression of damp heat and thus the treatment follows the principle of clearing heat and disinhibiting dampness.

接连被和两部“大片”蹂躏之后,终于有一部能让我爽爽地在院里消磨100分钟的电影看了,一周来郁结在心中的怨气终于得以疏解。And by two series of "large" devastated, I can finally have a Shuangshuang in the yard to spend 100 minutes watching movies a week to pent -up emotion in the hearts of grievances to finally ease.