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傍午,我就感觉饥肠辘辘了。I feel very hungry before lunchtime.

这位饥肠辘辘的汉子把食物堆集在自己的盘子里。The hungry man heaped up the food on his plate.

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他有时弄得饥肠辘辘且暴食如饕餮。Sometimes he gets hungry and eats like a glutton.

而懒惰的狐狸这一冬天都要饥肠辘辘地到处乱窜了。But the lazy fox went about hungry the whole winter.

维利和乔是饥肠辘辘、邋里邋遢且极度厌倦。Alaways, Willie and Joe were hungry, filthy and fed-up.

当晚,饥肠辘辘肚子的客人们都坐着等那碗汤了。That night, the hungry guests sat waiting for the soup.

即使饥肠辘辘的坐在桌子前,不一会儿恶心感就会冲上来。Even if I sat down at the table hungry, I soon felt queasy.

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一个坠入爱河的人或许会感到饥肠辘辘,却根本不需要食物。A man in love may be famishing, and yet want no food at all.

因为灾民长期处在压力之下,他们饥肠辘辘,神情沮丧。It's because of the stress. People are hungry and frustrated.

所以,饥肠辘辘的人们又多了油箱这个竞争对手。So the stomachs of the hungry must also compete with fuel tanks.

进入前者你将繁荣昌盛,进入后者你将饥肠辘辘。With the former you can prosper, with the latter you will starve.

搭帐篷确实是一件力气活,完成之时,许多宝贝都已经饥肠辘辘了。Many babies were as hungry as a wolf after the completion of camping.

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布莱克松早已经饥肠辘辘,经受着败血症的折磨,嘴巴干裂,身体疼痛。Blackthorne was famished and his mouth and body ached from the scurvy.

我则坐在那里饥肠辘辘,没人理睬,我此刻正变成一个陌生人!Sitting there hungry and all alone — what a strange man I was becoming!

官员称这头狮子大约有四五岁,很明显已经饥肠辘辘。Officials say the lion appeared to be starving and was 4- to 5-years-old.

关惠群永远不能忘记饥肠辘辘和无家可归的感觉。Betty Chinn will never forget what it feels like to be hungry and homeless.

市徽饭店里,赖尔登老太太正带着她那条饥肠辘辘的斯凯更狗。Old Mrs Riordan with the rumbling stomach's Skye terrier in the City Arms hotel.

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下山后,满身是汗、饥肠辘辘的我们直奔一家小餐馆。After the hike, we rushed to a local restaurant and were ready to order a giant meal.

演出时,主办方会在后台向饥肠辘辘的模特和媒体记者们提供食品。Food is often provided backstage at shows for hungry models and members of the media.

女人们哭哭啼啼,男人们脸色苍白,孩子们饥肠辘辘、泪眼涔涔。The women cried, the men looked pale and sickly. The children were hungry and tearful.