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远游者见多识广。He travels far knows much.

他们离家远游了。They travelled far from home.

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父母在,不远游,游必有方。Parents, not to travel, swim will be well.

他曾经远游,见过许多世面。He had travelled far, had seen much of the world.

我们曾打算一起远游到巴黎。We were going to travel together to as far as Paris.

子岳,“父母在,不远游,游必有方。”The Master said, "When your parents are alive, do not travel far."

如此醉心于水墨天地、如此执著于生命远游的张子健。Zhang Zijian so loves in ink wash world, and obsesses in life travel.

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医、卜者土著,不得远游”,严格限制人口流动。The native treatment by not travel, strictly limiting population flow.

小张准备利用今年国庆长假出国远游。Xiaozhang is planning to spend the long national holiday travelling abroad.

在外远游要求你必须学会用内心的本能去了解并且信任别人。Travelling requires you to get in touch with your gut instincts so learn to trust them.

想象一下去攀登一个钻石山,或是去一个石墨围岸的焦油湖畔远游。Imagine climbing diamond mountains, or hiking around the graphite shores of a lake of tar.

现代人心里早已不再奉颂那种“父母在,不远游”的传统似的孝道。Modern heart already no longer in song that "parents, not far " traditional like filial piety.

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过完年后,我用学英语,卖地图的方式来等待我下一个远游。I have been waiting my next expedition by studying English and selling maps after last spring festival.

过去她一忽儿出国远游,一忽儿又回到俄国,总的说,她过着一种古怪反常的生活。She used suddenly to go abroad, and suddenly to return to Russia , and led an eccentric life in general.

在工业革命时代,装备着贝德尔旅游指南、刚刚富裕起来的观光客们开始离家远游。In the era of the Industrial Revolution, newly wealthy sightseers armed with Baedekers began roaming afield.

俄罗斯作家布宁1909年开始远游印度与锡兰等地,并由此对佛教产生了浓厚的兴趣。Since 1909, Russian writer Bunin traveled to as far as India and Ceylon where he became interested in Buddhism.

这回是我说服露丝干点什么了----进行一场横跨半州、远及布法罗而返的五日远游。So it was I who talked Ruth into doing something—a five-day tour to Buffalo and back, halfway across the state.

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或者,如果它是崇高的,就用切身的经历来体会它,在我下一次远游时,也可以作出一个真实的报道。or if it were sublime, to know it by experience, and be able to give a true account of it in my next excursion.

谢灵运的山水诗可分为庄园山水诗和远游山水诗两大类型。The landscape poetry written by Xie Lingyun can be classified into manor landscape poetry and expedition landscape poetry.

如今又要送朋友去远游,一片片茂密的芳草,也满怀惜别的深情。Today, I once again see off a friend on a distant journey. Every blade of the perfumed grass is pregnant with the sorrow of parting.