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一九一六年入湘军。In 1916 into the Hunan Army.

“电视湘军”最多只算得上是一个非典型性品牌工程。But there isn't such a brand in Hunan, either a brand project on it.

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湘军是应维护清王朝的统治秩序而出现的地方性军事组织。Xiang Army is a local armed force for protecting the central government.

湘军的自身否定也预示了封建专制主义制度必然要灭亡的历史命运。The self-negation of Xiang Army indicates that the feudal autocracy is doomed.

理学和经世之学是湘军集团两个重要的文化来源。Neo-Confucianism and country-management is the main source of Hunan military group.

但是湖南没有一个固定的牌号“电视湘军”,更没有以“电视湘军”来建设品牌工程。The point of TV brand is the association of ideas when seeing the "Hunan Television Army" brand.

20世纪末,中国电视领域中的电视“湘军”迅速崛起,成为一道令人瞩目的风景。At the end of the 20th century, the quick development of Hunan TV has become an attractive scene.

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曾国荃是曾国藩的胞弟,著名湘军将领。Zeng Guoquan was the younger brother of Zeng Guofan who was very famous general of the Xiang Army.

湘军理学家罗泽南出生于湖南湘乡一个贫困的家庭里。Luo Zenan, a rationalistic Confucian philosopher of Xiang Troop, came from a poor family of Hunan countryside.

一九二二年考入湖南陆军军官讲武堂,毕业后在湘军任营长、团长。Hunan army officer admitted to the military academy in 1922, after graduating from Hunan Renying Chang, the head.

他组建湘军,与拥有百万之众的太平军征战十几年,最后扼杀了太平天国。He established Hunan Army, which fought with millions of Tai-ping troops for many years, and snuffed out it at last.

考察湘军水师于是成为研究太平天国史的重要课题。Therefore, it is important for the research of the Taiping Heavenly Kindom to research waterborne forces of Hunan Army.

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近代湖南绅权势力的膨胀得益于曾国藩创办的湘军。The expansion of the modern Hunan gentry forces benefits considerably from the establishment of Zeng Guofans Xiang Army.

迅速崛起的比较文学湘军已引起国内外学界的瞩目。The fast rising Xiang Army of Comparative Literature becomes the focus of the national and international academic field.

湘军之所以能够打败太平军,重要原因之一在于拥有一个综合素质较高的领导集团。One of the most important reasons of Xiang Army defeating Taiping Army was that Xiang Army had a high-quality leading group.

在电视湘军崛起的背景下,历史题材电视剧在湖南的成功必有区域文化的影响因素。In the background of Hunan TV rising, there must be a factor of region culture leading to success of Hunan's historical teleplays.

近代是湖南人口发展的重要阶段,随着湘军的崛起,湖南已成为全国举足轻重的大省。Modern times are important phase in population development of Hunan. Along with Xing-army rosing, Hunan had been a great province.

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随着湘军组织规模的扩大,维系其组织机制的特征逐渐走向反面化并最终导致其自身的否定。With the development of its organism, Xiang Army's characteristics gradually turn into its opposite and lead to its self-negation.

在勇营时期,清军的对手太平军则建立了比湘军更加完善的医疗保障制度。In the period of Yong camp, the Army of Taiping whose ware Qing opponent was set up more perfect than the Army's medical insurance system.

湖湘文化的代表人物,在近代湖南形成了湘军、戊戌、辛亥、一师等多个人才群体。The representatives of Hunan culture have formed many talented groups in modern times, such as the talented group of Xijun, Wuxu, Xinghai, Yishi.