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那正是我们所谈的这个人和珂赛特。It was our man and Cosette.

人和马都疲惫不堪了。Men and horses werepretty done.

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人和怡东酒店又添新翼。Yidong hotel and adds new wing.

他们是撒克逊人和朱特人。They were the Saxons and the Jutes.

阿卡第安人、美提人和第一民族。D. Acadians, Métis and First Nations.

但是罪却来到人和神的中间成了隔墙。But sin has come between man and his God.

越人和客家人都是现代汉人的族群之一。Yue and Hakka are both part of modern Han.

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早期法国定居者、美提人和印第安人。B. Early French settlers, Métis and Indian.

这是丹麦人和诺尔曼人的习俗。It's the way the danes and the normans did.

美提人、因纽特人和大英帝国的支持者。A. Métis, Inuit and United Empire Loyalists.

纳粹党人和狗的却别是什么?What is the difference between a Nazi and adog?

人和马都被雨水淋得湿透了。Both men and horses were drenched with the rain.

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那么人和动物到底是怎样区别彼此的呢?How are humans distinguished from other animals?

人和机动车顺着公路如潮涌而去。Men and machines poured along the main highways.

佤族人和游客共度“摸你黑”狂欢节。Va people, tourists celebrate 'Monihei Carnival'.

鬼兴人安心平静,鬼兴人和心也安。Ghost hing reassuring calm, ghost hing heart also.

耶稣是每一个人和每一件事的主。Jesus Christ is Lord over everyone and everything.

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她扮演过邦德女郎,变异人和猫女。She's played a Bond girl, a mutant and a catwoman.

就比如说从今天起你将再也不会得人和感冒或流感。As of today you will never get another cold or flu.

那时以色列人与亚摩利人和好。And there was peace between Israel and the Amorites.