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熊是不合群的孤僻的动物。Bears are asocial secretive animals.

你野心勃勃、孤僻且太主观。You're ambitious, seclusive and too subjective.

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渐渐地我变得孤僻,不苟言笑。Gradually, I became uncommunicative and reserved.

克服娇气、孤僻、合群的精神文化。Overcome squeamish eccentric gregarious spirit culture.

他的属下有个叫杨戏的,性格孤僻,讷于言语。His staff play a man named Yang, withdrawn, Ne in words.

在势利的世俗社会,他们被遗忘在孤僻的角落。In a secular society, they were forgotten in the corner.

为什么患孤僻症的男孩是女孩的四倍呢?Or why autism strikes boys four times as often as girls.

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菲的死让明变得孤僻,他心灰意冷,郁郁寡欢。He became insular, emotionally dead, passionless and morose.

孤僻的男子在感情前低下了他高傲的头!The dissocial man lowers his head with superiority to the love!

这个孩子因为父母离婚而变得性格孤僻。This child became unsociable because his parent's got a divorce.

患者还可能出现易怒、孤僻和沉默寡言。You might have depression if you feel irritable, isolated and withdrawn.

整样让一个孤僻的人变回原有的快乐?Does the person that does appearance to make dissocial go an original joy?

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现在,这个合唱团成了「南郭先生」和孤僻学生的「避风港」。Now, the choir became the "South Guo" and eccentric student"s "safe haven.

他们可能变得孤僻甚至产生某些心理疾病。They may become more solitary and even suffer from certain mental illness.

她们可能变得孤僻甚至产生某些思想疾病。They weselves bego lot solitary or even suffer since certain mental illness.

他曾两次被人领养,由于性格孤僻,两次被人送了回来。He ever two by person adopt, because disposition is dissocial, was sent twice.

你孤僻、不善沟通、经常拖延且缺乏效率。You're seclusive , not good at communicating and postponing without efficiency.

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它滑稽的语调和恶作剧的风格几乎掩盖了女主角的孤僻和忧郁。Its droll tone and tricksy style almost mask its heroine’s solitude and tristesse.

她的成绩一落千丈,从而变得异常落寞与孤僻,甚至不再理睬她的朋友们。Her grades plummeted and she became a social recluse, abandoning all of her friends.

心理自闭、孤僻、空虚、忧郁、偏激、自卑怎么办?Is psychology shut oneself, dissocial , empty, blue, extreme, self-abased how to do?