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真理就是市场不过是一种社会制度。The truth is that markets are a social institution.

在我看来,这是社会制度失序,并非某个人。Seem to me that something is out of whack, not someone.

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四是社会制度和意识形态的差异。Fourth, the difference between social systems and ideologies.

也有社会制度和体制方面的原因。Actually, both personal and social factors may cause job-related crime.

首先,婚姻制度是一种世俗制度和社会制度。First, the institution of marriage is a secular and social institution.

中共十七大至今,我们党的旗帜实质上是一种社会制度。After the congress, the banner of the party has become a system in essence.

从今天中国社会的风俗习惯来看,周人始终哦初期社会制度的实际创造着。From the folkways and customs in Chinese system in initial stages of China.

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不同文化和社会制度有不同的人权观。Diffe─rent cultures and social systems have different views of human rights.

包括国家在内的一切社会制度都是家庭模式的复制。All social institutions, including the country, are replications of the family.

并且意识到普通的现实社会制度,是多么的缺乏完美的正义And notice how ordinary empirical social arrangements fall short of perfect justice.

社会制度的不同,不应妨碍互相合作。Difference between the social systems shall not be an obstacle to their cooperation.

可以说,西方宪政建设是至下而上的社会制度变革。In other words, western constitutional construction is a top-to-bottom regime revolution.

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如何改变社会制度来增进幸福的问题,我从前已写有专书。I have written before about the changes in the social system required to promote happiness.

社会制度和地理环境两大方面因素是塑造楚人独特风俗的主要力量。The social system and geographic environment are the main cause for the specific Chu culture.

本文认为,制度文化主要是指凝结了文化精神的社会制度。This dissertation holds that institutional culture is a regime coagulated with cultural spirit.

每个国家都有权独立自主地选择自己的社会制度与发展道路。Each country has the right to choose its own social system and road to development independently.

都是由封建帝王领导,自上而下地对社会体制和社会制度进行改革。Again, both undergo a top to bottom reform of social mechanism and system, led by feudalist Kings.

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存在各种不同的制度,社会制度,它们在不同程度上是正义的或不正义的There are various arrangements, social arrangements, that can be just or unjust to varying degrees.

新世纪将是资本主义社会制度和社会主义社会制度长期共存、和平竞争的世纪。The 21st century will be the era of coexistence and competition of socialist and capitalist systems.

社会制度和价值观的差异不应该成为发展国家关系的障碍。The differences in social systems and values should not be an obstacle in developing state relations.