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在走廊交叉口设置凸镜。Place curved mirrors at hallway intersections or concealed areas.

正如我们所见,被切割成凸镜状蓝宝石会在阳光直射下呈现出一个六角星。As seen here, some sapphires, when cut to a convex shape, exhibit a striking six-pointed star in direct sunlight.

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在后续的研究中,半数的的宇航员在连续15天带凸镜后摘下来一天。In a follow-up study, half the astronauts took off the goggles for one day after wearing them for 15 days in a row.

目前近视泳镜的镜片分为表面微凸镜面和绝对平面镜面两大类型。At present, goggles myopic lens into the surface of the mirror and asperity absolutely flat mirror the two major types.

云的结构,特别是乳状云或凸镜云,乃是自然之复杂精细、与众不同的完美范例。Cloud formations such as mammatus or lenticular among others, are perfect examples of how intricate and different nature can be.

主要由细碧岩、角斑岩及火山碎屑岩组成,其中有硅质岩、灰岩及碎屑岩夹层或凸镜体。It mainly consists of spilite, keratophyre and volcanic clastics, intercalated with siliceous rocks, limestone and clastic rocks or lens.

在将高斯光束整形为平顶光束的整形系统中,由两个非球面镜组成的系统是比较简单的结构形式,该系统由平凹镜和平凸镜组成。Among the reshaping systems converting a Gaussian beam to a flattop beam, the system composed of a plane-concave and a plane-convex lens, is a relatively simple structure.

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西天山高压变质岩呈不连续岩块、凸镜体、条带、薄层或夹层岩片产于绿片岩相围岩中。The Western Tianshan high-pressure metamorphic rocks occur within the greenschist facies country rocks as small discrete blocks, lenses, bands, laminae or intercalated slabs.

本文提出了一个新融合的新闻中心的工作凸镜,该图景体现了权力层级的改变,有利从事数字领域的技术技能的工作者。A working diagram of the newly converged newsroom is put forward, demonstrating changed power hierarchies that privilege laborers with technological skills engaged in digital domains.

利用矩阵光学方法,分别推导了高斯光束经双平凸镜耦合简和自聚焦微透镜两种耦合系统聚焦后的束腰宽度和像距的计算公式。By the method of matrix optics, the waist width and imaging distance of Gauss beam through the self-focusing micro lens system and the double plan convex lens coupling system are deduced.