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1912年5月15日,京师大学堂更名为“国立北京大学”。" May 15, 1912, the Imperial Academy was renamed as "National Peking University".

休战后我们在「大学堂临时医院」做看护。After the ceasefire, we worked as nurses in the makeshift hospital in the university.

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1898年建立的京师大学堂,虽有大学之形却缺大学之实。The Jingshi Daxuetang established in 1898 displayed the form but not the reality of a university.

从1898年京师大学堂成立算起,它走过了百年艰难的历程,其中民国高等教育发展引人注目、独具特色。It has been experienced much more 100 years' hard course since Beijing teachers college found in 1898.

1939年哈佛大学校长办公室从大学堂搬到了马萨诸塞堂的底部楼层。In 1939, the Harvard president's office moved from University Hall into the bottom floors of Mass. Hall.

史料显示,秉志先生在京师大学堂毕业时虽名列中等但考试成绩优秀。Chi Ping held a medium position in the name list of graduates from the Imperial University of Peking in 1909.

北京大学中国语文学系的前身是京师大学堂中国文学门。The school of Chinese literature of Jingshi college is prior to the department of the Chinese literature of Peking University.

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大学堂的仕学馆、进士馆和译学馆等机构中,法学教育几乎占到主导地位。The law education had almost achieved a dominant position in institution, such as the Shixue Guan, Jinshi Guan, Yixue Guan, etc.

以及适用于各高尔夫俱乐部会所、酒店大学堂等场所的风格独特,富丽堂皇的艺术饰品。Meanwhile, hot items also includes artistic accessories, which are magnificent and special in style, used in golf clubhouse and hotel training hall.

第三章介绍了自京师大学堂创立以来我国近现代高等教育捐赠筹资的历史变迁,并分析了当前存在的主要问题。In Chapter III, it introduces the history of the donor financing for higher education in the modern times and studies the existing major problems at present.

北京大学创办于1898年,初名京师大学堂,是中国第一所国立综合性大学,也是当时中国最高教育行政机关。Peking University was founded in 1898, the beginning of the capital University, is the first national comprehensive university, is the highest executive in China.

作为中国近代第一所大学,国家权力是京师大学堂课程运营中最为重要的统治性力量。As the first higher-learning institution in modern China, Peking Imperial University witnessed the greatest influence from the central government on its curriculum management.

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20世纪初,在清政府努力推行新政的背景下,山西大学堂派出大量的留学生赴国外学习新式科学。At the beginning of the 20th century, in the background of Qin Dynasty's efforts of carrying out the new policy, Shanxi University sent many overseas students to study new sciences.

从1898年京师大学堂成立算起,它走过了百年艰难的历程,其中民国高等教育发展引人注目、独具特色。It has been experienced much more 100 years' hard course since Beijing teachers college found in 1898. Especially the development of higher Education of minguo is very Eye-catching and peculiar.

自从2003年系统发布以来,大学堂已经稳定运行了7年时间,其间为数以百万计的用户提供过课程视频服务,收到了良好的社会效果。Since it was released in 2003, the Realcouse system has been running stably for 7 years while providing video delivery service for millions of users, which has benefited the whole society a lot.