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你有一笔债务要偿还。You have a debt to pay.

他在十字架上已经为你偿还。He paid for it on the cross.

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恶债不予偿还。Odious debt is not repayable.

我们永远也偿还不了这笔债了。You can never repay that debt.

欠下的情债要怎么偿还呢?Love how debts owed to repay it?

只能用他的头来偿还!Can be recompensed with his pate!

但是你必须偿还其他两种。But you have to repay the other two.

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他父亲无力偿还欠账。His father could not meet his bills.

这笔钱将用以偿还债务。This money will go towards the debt.

生活中的“人情债”该如何偿还?How do you repay "debt of gratitude"?

债务不会因破产而免予偿还。The debt can't be shed in bankruptcy.

偿还贷款的条款定得很宽。The repayment provisions are generous.

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都是他从你抢去的,他是偿还你。He robs thee of and pays it thee again.

这笔债务延期到明年偿还。This debt is rescheduled for next year.

你的化费将得到偿还。You'll be reimbursed for your expenses.

我怎么决定应该首先偿还哪些债务?How do I decide which debts to pay first?

这些金额可以分期偿还。The amounts are repayable by instalments.

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法案中的所有账单都应该被偿还。And everything in this bill willbe paid for.

那笔债永远也不会偿还。The debt would be paid on the Greek calends.

我们永远不能偿还你们的体贴。We can never pay you back for your kindness.