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他看起来不面熟。He doesn’t look familiar.

您看起来很面熟。You look a little familiar.

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没有。他看起来不面熟。No. He doesn't look familiar.

这个男孩好生面熟。That boy looks quite familiar.

我觉得你看起来面熟。Your face looks familiar to me.

在这些人中有两三个看上去面熟。Two or three of them look familiar.

他们当中有两三个看上去面熟。Two or three of them look familiar.

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留山羊胡的那个人看起来很面熟。The man with a beard looks familiar.

他脸上的笑容让人觉得他看起来很面熟。The smile on his face looked familiar.

你看起来挺面熟的,但是我认不出你。You look familiar, but I can't place you.

这个外国老人怎么那么面熟。This old foreigner looks so familiar to me.

不,这间银行的某些东西看起来很面熟。No. something looks very familiar about this bank.

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他看上去非常面熟,但我想不起他的名字来了。He looks so familiar but I can't remember his name.

我觉得您身面熟。我绝对不会忘记见过面的人。I thought you looked familiar. I never forget a face.

她看起来面熟,但我记不起她的名字了。She looks familiar to me, but I don't remember her name.

我之前在哪里见过他。他看起来很面熟。I have seen him somewhere before. He looks very familiar.

他很面熟,但我想不起在什么地方见过他。I remebered his face , but I could not recall where I met him.

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小盆友有点面熟,好像以前发帖介绍过他。His face looks familiar. Seems he was introduced before somewhere.

管理人员可能至少需要一份看起来更加面熟的初始计划。A manager might need at least an initial plan that looks a little more familiar.

美国联邦调查局称他们逮捕的俄亥俄州银行劫匪被银行雇员指认看起来面熟。The FBI says a man arrested in an Ohio bank robbery looked familiar to bank employees.