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抱歉,不打折扣。Sorry, no discounts.

这些样书打折扣出售。A sample piece of fabric.

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我不能让自由打折扣。I cannot compromise on freedom.

煤电联动机制大打折扣,陷入两难境地。Coal power linkage system, in a dilemma.

这些样书打折扣出售。There's a discount for these sample copies.

汽车制造商打折扣卖掉定价过高的汽车。Automakers discounted their overpriced cars.

多花时间在打折扣的食品店购物。Spend time shopping at discount grocery stores.

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这么大的数量,你们应该给我们打折扣。You should give us discount for such large quantity.

高达180美元一晚的房费但质量却大打折扣。USD a night at some 3 star hotels of far lesser quality.

第三,伊拉克方面的反对声也使布什的民主进程时间表大打折扣。Third, Iraq threatens to undercut Mr Bush's domestic agenda too.

这类医生也会大打折扣来拉生意。Doctors compete vigorously to win business using steep discounts.

它是西化的、打折扣的,为了方便而去设计的。It’s a westernized, watered-down, convenient imitation of the real thing.

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但我们从不会在质量上打折扣──不过如果我们能够买到更便宜的纸袋子,我们会去做。We never cut on quality but if I can buy a paper bag cheaper, we do that.

如果您只订五十台,就没办法打折扣。If you're only going to order fifty, it will have to be without a discount.

此次骚乱“狠狠地扇了英国一巴掌”,让人们对英国的印象大打折扣。The riot, "the British fans a harsh slap", so that people England's paramour.

如果购买者联合起来,他们可以打折扣买大批的批发商品。When buyers cooperate, they can make large wholesale purchases at a discount.

然而力拓股价的上涨令该交易在股东眼中的理想度大打折扣。But Rio's rising share price is making the deal look imperfect to shareholders.

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如果本文缺少锻炼和健身部分,那其真实性将大打折扣。This article wouldn’t be truthful if I didn’t include exercise and fitness in it.

现金支付折扣,仅限于在10日内以现金付清货款者可打折扣。Cash discounts are allowed only on accounts that are paid within the ten-day limit.

清楚并坚持自己的想法。左右摇摆会让你在别人心目中的形象大打折扣。Clarity and insist own thinking,from side to side will let your impression degrade.