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你现时嘅工作行业系?D6. What is your working industry?

你现时嘅工作行业系?D7. What is your working industry?

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看你着着牛仔裤出现时was formal and you showed up in jeans?

现时是五年半来的最低点。It is now at five-and-a-half-year lows.

它们在夜空里时现时隐They appear or do not appear in the sky

以下的图片是否在现时的大澳拍摄呢?。Was the following photo took in Tai O ?

但伦敦时装周又重现时尚风光。But London Fashion Week is back in style.

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现时肠病毒71型是引起手足口病的主要致病原。The virus EV71 is a common cause of HFMD.

抑或现时总体债务是更高呢?Or that, overall, debt is now even higher?

采用液晶显示,现时内容丰富、直观。It adapts LDC show, rich real-time contents.

当你的下一个伟大想法闪现时,请全力以赴。When your next great idea comes, go all out.

我们必须创造条件,现时现地地听取他们的意见。We must create space to hear them here and now.

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阁下现时是否大新银行信用卡客户?Are you existing Dah Sing Bank Credit Cardholder?

你是否满意现时机场巴士的可逹性?。Do you satisfy with accessibility of Airport Bus?

港铁是现时香港唯一的铁路公司。MTR is the only railway company in Hong Kong now.

阁下现时是否大新银行信用卡客户?Are you an existing Dah Sing Bank Credit Cardholder?

倾听开放的新思路,可以随意认为现时。Open to listening to new ideas, so feel free to opine.

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董建华现时的民望可谓不言而喻。Tung's current popularity very much speaks for itself.

政府现时仅在自愿参加的学校进行视学。At present, schools are inspected on a voluntary basis.

流入股市的资金现时似乎是推动印尼盾升值的主要因素。Equity inflows seem to be a major IDR driver at present.