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所以,振奋起来!So cheer up!

一次握手可以振奋一个灵魂。One handclasp lifts a soul.

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休息后使我精神振奋。The rest freshened my spirit.

花朵使她精神振奋。The flowers will cheer her up.

我们位年犟人振奋。I detect youth people exciting.

让我们努力使失败者精神振奋。Let's try to buck the losers up.

阳光能令人心情振奋起来。Sunlight is a great mood lifter.

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我想让生病的孩子振奋起来。I want to cheer up the sick kids.

得到振奋,快乐,幸福?To excitement,to joy,to happiness?

这是一部多么振奋人的电影啊!What a heart-stirring movie it is.

来喝一杯,它会使你的精神振奋起来。Have a drink. It'll give you a lift.

医生告诫他要振奋精神。The doctor cautioned him to brace up.

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他们振奋精神迎接考验。They manned themselves for an ordeal.

每一个场面都使我感动和精神振奋。Every scene inspires and convulses me.

由此看来,爱情似乎真的能使人精神振奋。It seems love really can be uplifting.

我精神振奋、满怀信心地承担起我的任务。I take up my task in buoyancy and hope.

你应该振奋精神,勇敢地面对事实。You should spunk up and face the facts.

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音乐为我的生活增添情趣,并振奋我的精神。Music enrich my life and lift my spirit.

你需要度过一个痛快的假期来振奋精神。You need a good holiday to chirk you up.

寒冷的天气使行人精神振奋。The cold weather exhilarated the walkers.