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这就是公式化解题的方法This is how you formulate problems.

这两本书都是以解题为主的。Both books are strongly solution-oriented.

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运用公式解解题,操作可行,步骤简化。The formula method simplifies the solution.

本文以6R机械手为例说明了具体的解题过程。As an example, the 6R arm is given in this paper.

加上最近解题,解到我快疯掉!Plus to solve recently, solve me to go crazy fast!

我想我解开了交友解题步骤。I believe I've isolated the algorithim for making friends.

就像Darren说的,“它更像是解题练习。”As Darren says, “It’s more like a problem solving exercise.”

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如果你能解题,当然很好。If you could do the problem solving, you're going to do fine.

在那儿,你可以学到更多解题的技巧!While you're there, learn more about problem solving techniques!

如果你爱益智解题,我打赌你会爱上无间道。If you love puzzle-solving, I bet you will love Infernal Affairs.

因此他认为最好用笔头解题直到中学为止。So he believes in solving problems with a pencil until high school.

它在解题中,也非常重要。That's also an important one when you're looking at solution cases.

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学习如何解题的唯一方法就是做更多的题。The only way to really learn how to do problems is work lots of them.

物理化学解题指南,李文斌主编,天津大学出版社。Physical Chemistry. 5th ed. , P. W. Atkins. , Oxford University Press.

这样更好了,因为教大家解题技巧有报酬可拿。That was even better because I got paid to teach people problem-solving skills.

它可以扩大画法几何的解题范围。This method may extend the field of solving problems on the descriptive geometry.

在数学解题教学中,究竟应强调技能,还是技巧?。In the teaching to solve problem of mathematics, emphasize the skill or the finesse?

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但是只有你动手去解题,才是验证自己会与不会的唯一方法But the only way you're going to find out is when you actually deal with the problem.

我们没法给你步骤分,如果看不到你的解题过程。We can't give you any partial credit whatsoever if we can't see your thought process.

第三,善于思考,归纳解题思路与方法。The 3rd, be good at thinking, baconian solution inscribes train of thought and method.