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这是一项以邻为壑的政策。This is a beggar-thy-neighbor policy.

最起码要避免采取以邻为壑的政策。At a minimum, both must avoid beggar-thy-neighbor policies.

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在深度衰退时期,这是一种“以邻为壑”的政策。In a deep recession, this is a "beggar-my-neighbour" policy.

风险就是20世纪30年代的以邻为壑的货币贬值。The risk, as in the 1930s, is of “beggar-thy-neighbour” devaluations.

这也促使了其他一些国家采取这种以邻为壑的政策。That beggar-thy-neighbor agenda encourages others to pursue similar policies.

所有人都知道贸易保护主义和以邻为壑会恶化经济。Everyone knows that protectionism and beggar-thy-neighbour policies exacerbated the Depression.

有分析师评论说,瑞士央行率先采取了“以邻为壑”的政策,罗斯对此不予接受。Mr Roth rejected analysts' comments that the SNB had ushered in “beggar-thy- neighbour” policies.

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他们运用以邻为壑的对策,设法使国内高涨的通货膨胀率处于控制之中。In a game of beggar-thy-neighbor, they're trying to keep inflation at home from soaring out of control.

如果某个国家独自使用这种政策,将是危险的,因为它会使货币走弱,引发对“以邻为壑”贬值政策的批评。This is risky if done alone as it can weaken the currency and give rise to criticism of "beggar-thy-neighbour" devaluations.

中国承担自己的那一份,那么,有人“以邻为壑”就是个不好应对的问题了。China undertakes own that one, that had the human "to dump problem on someone else" is the question which was not good deals.

有人担心G7的一些国家将采取“以邻为壑”的政策,这项声明正是在这些担忧声中产生的。The assurance was offered against a background of mounting concern over "beggar my neighbour" initiatives taken by several G7 states.

现在的问题是世界经济仍处于动荡之中,主要大国们搞的这种以邻为壑的把戏是不能被容忍的。The point is that with the world economy still in a precarious state, beggar-thy-neighbor policies by major players can’t be tolerated.

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事实上,当世界走入严重的经济低迷,以邻为壑的货币贬值威胁如1930年代般愈发严重。Indeed, as the world goes into a severe economic downturn, the threat of beggar-thy-neighbour devaluations becomes acute, as in the 1930s.

维尔海姆正邀请各国进入一个信奉以邻为壑政策的零和世界,其中每一个国家都试图从其它国家抢夺市场份额。Mr Wilhelm is inviting everybody to join a zero-sum world of beggar-my-neighbour policies in which every country tries to grab market share from the rest.

在欧洲,政府间随意地玩着以邻为壑的政治游戏,各国纷纷对本国存款进行担保,没有顾及这样会动摇其他国家的银行。In Europe governments have casually played beggar-my-neighbour politics, with countries launching deposit-guarantee schemes that destabilize banks elsewhere.

现在的美国,包括英国,都在奉行量化宽松的货币政策,其实质就是1930年代以邻为壑的货币贬值政策的当代翻版。Now the US, and the UK too, have resorted to "quantitative easing", the modern-day equivalent of the beggar-thy-neighbour currency devaluations of the 1930s.

有些人提出,拥有外部赤字的国家通过货币贬值来促进出口主导型增长的尝试,是以邻为壑的政策。Some argue that an attempt by countries with external deficits to promote export-led growth, via exchange-rate depreciation, is a beggar-my-neighbour policy.

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历史经验表明,社会往往对停滞的经济做出自卫性反应,社会青睐垄断、以邻为壑的保护主义和反移民的民粹主义。History shows that societies often react defensively to a stagnating economy, favouring cartels , beggar-thy-neighbour protectionism and anti-immigrant populism.

上述所有所有问题使许多人担忧1930年代导致二战爆发的“以邻为壑”的贸易保护政策会再次出现。All of which has raised worries of a return to the "beggar-thy-neighbor" protectionist policies of the 1930s, which helped create the conditions for World War II.

他认为美联储的量化宽松政策为“以邻为壑”的货币贬值策略,实际上是在从其它经济体窃取增长。He dismissed the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing as a "beggar-thy-neighbor" strategy of currency devaluation, which in fact steals growth from other economies.