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我以手势示意他就座。I motioned him to a seat.

大家现在可以就座。You guys can sit down now.

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她恭请我们就座。She invited us to be seated.

大家纷纷就座,椅子发出一阵吱呀声。Chairs creak as everybody gets settled.

他们看着他弓起身子就座。They watched him fold up into the seat.

中央委员在主席台就座。The central committee be seat on the platform.

代表们须按礼仪要求就座。The delegates have to be seated according to protocol.

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咱们算什么,公共汽车么?每一个人均可以想坐就座?What're we, the A-Train? Everyone gets to ride with us?

我们在店里就座后,克拉丽莎拿起菜单。Once we were seated inside, Clarissa picked up her menu.

大家都还没有就座,白羊座就已经开始吃上了。Aries starts eating before everyone else has been seated.

入席时等女客人全都坐下后才可就座。Do not sit down at table until the women present are seated.

别客气。请就座,系好安全带。Don't mention it. Please be seated and fasten your seat belts.

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神父来到教堂,先在耶酥和圣母玛利亚的神像前跪下,然后去教堂后部就座。In the church, he kneels before an icon of Christ and the Virg

乐师们各自在乐池就座。The musicians took their respective places at the orchestra pit.

点击这里重置选票和孔成对就座。Click here to reset the ballots and the Condorcet pairwise table.

服务员一个劲地点头哈腰领我们就座。Bow The waiter showed us to our table with much bowingand scraping.

但是议会议长阿里.拉里贾尼在台上就座。Parliament speaker Ali Larijani was, however, seated on the podium.

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晚宴已准备好了,请大家找到自己的名签就座。The dinner is ready. Please find your name card and take your seat.

当大家就座时,乔用调羹敲了敲玻璃杯。Joe clinked his spoon against his glass as everyone took their seats.

她走进会议大厅,在新闻记者席上就座。She went into the convention hall and took a seat at the press table.