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他们在筵席上狂饮。They liquored up at the feast.

这星期她狂饮葡萄酒。She is mainlining wine this week.

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他们昨晚出去狂饮至深夜。They went out boozing late last night.

他们到一家啤酒店狂饮啤酒。They went to a beerhouse and beered up.

现在我不断在呻吟着。收缩着并呻吟着。狂饮着杯里的酒。Now I was groaning. Contracting and groaning. And guzzling wine.

过节狂饮是中国传统的风俗之一。It is a hallmark in Chinese festival celebration to get boozed up.

他要了一份乳酪三明治和三瓶啤酒狂饮起来。He ordered a cheese sandwich, a three bottle of beer and beered up.

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许多酒鬼一次要狂饮好几天。Many alcoholics go on drinking sprees that continue for days at a time.

狂饮糖的饥饿大鼠在它们的脑中激起了多巴胺巨浪。Hungry rats that binge on sugar provoke a surge of dopamine in their brains.

汤姆是一名狂饮的酒徒,如果他不在意,那就会影响他的健康和工作。Tom's a hard drinker and it will affect his health and his job if he's not careful.

一段痛苦的酩酊大醉之后,人们还会在另一场疯狂的舞会跳舞狂饮。There will be more dancing at another wild party followed by another painful hangover.

类似的证据标准将狂饮与可能的脑发育问题联系到一起。A similar standard of evidence linked binge drinking with possible brain development problems.

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狩猎了一整天后,没有什麽能比抱著一瓶冰镇啤酒狂饮一通更过瘾了。After a long day hunting, there's nothing like wrapping your paw around a cold bottle of beer.

在举行庆典时,士兵欢乐狂饮著酿酒厂里所酿制好的蜂蜜酒。Tasty mead is brewed in the Brewery and later quaffed by the soldiers during the celebrations.

饮食起居要有规律,不要暴食狂饮,也不要睡眠不规律。First, the daily diet should be the law, not overeating, binge drinking, do not sleep, irregular.

美国人去年狂饮了惊人的153亿加仑,平均每人574罐,不论男人、女人、还是小孩。Americans consumed a stunning 15.3 billion gal. in 2003, or 574 cans for every man, woman and child.

这也是你会狂饮咖啡,暴食高糖份大餐的时刻。This is also the time when you are most likely to guzzle down more coffee and eat a high-sugar treat.

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在我酒店的半私人沙滩上,来自圣保罗那些富裕的周末度假者都在狂饮清凉的狮威和波希米亚啤酒。On my hotel's semi-private beach, wealthy S? o Paulo weekenders slugged chilled Skol and Bohemia beers.

如果您已经一阵子没喝什么水,千万不要狂饮雨水,这样会生病的。And if you haven’t been drinking much, don’t guzzle a fresh supply of rainwater. That will make you sick.

“但是,当我们研究数据的时候,狂饮及酒后驾驶主要存在于21至24岁的人群中,”他说。"But, when we look at the data, binge drinking and driving is mostly among 21- to 24-year-olds, " he said.